26 House Guests Who Will Never, Ever, Ever, Ever, Ever, Under Any Circumstances, EVER Be Invited Back

We recently covered a Reddit thread by u/Jentenny99 where they asked people to reveal the weirdest thing a guest has ever done in their home. That post seemed to resonate with BuzzFeed Community members because they began sharing their own nightmare guest stories. Here's what they revealed:

1."Once, two former, very religious friends dropped by my place unexpectedly. We were chatting in the kitchen when the wife wandered into the adjacent dining area and began reading a letter I had left open on the table. This letter was from a high school friend who had recently got married (she's a lesbian) and had sent some wedding pictures. The wife saw the pictures and began screaming, which made her husband rush over. They immediately began mocking my high school friend. I got angry and told them they had no right to read my mail or judge my friend. They quieted down and apologized, but then the husband asked, 'So, which one is the man?' and they both began to laugh uncontrollably. At that point, I was so furious that all I could do was point to the door."


2."My mother-in-law lived with us after she had lost her job and sold her house immediately with a loss. She repotted all my plants and stuffed them into pots to 'save space.' She cut up our good laundry towels because she needed rags for her art (even though we had a bag full of rags in the garage). She gave me $100 every two months to cover her expenses (her portion of electricity, rent, food, etc.). She used my measuring cups to mix her glue for her art. Finally, she complained to her son about how I didn't keep the house very clean even though I was working full time plus overtime and taking night classes while she and her son worked part-time and did nothing else."


A person wearing gloves is repotting a houseplant on a wooden surface. Soil and plant debris are scattered around
Iryna Imago / Getty Images

3."Years ago, my husband's friend was going through a divorce and needed a place to stay. We let him stay at our house rent-free. We really didn't care if he had dates over since he had his own bedroom. One morning, I walked into the living room and saw him getting a blowjob. The chick had spent the night, but apparently, they decided they couldn't be bothered to stay in the free room we provided for such activities???"


4."A friend was visiting us, and we were in the living room watching a movie. The friend disappeared, and when we finally looked for him, we found him removing food from our fridge and putting it into his bag. When asked why he would do such a thing, his response was, 'I was there when you bought it.'"


A hand is seen opening a refrigerator door, revealing various food items inside, such as a halved lemon on the top shelf and a bottle in the bottom compartment
Anna Blazhuk / Getty Images

5."One of my son's friend's girlfriend came over to my house for a few drinks. When I left to use the bathroom, I came back to the kitchen to find her with her pants down and peeing in the sink! WTH?!"


6."I gave a young friend a wedding shower. I'm a pretty good cook/hostess, so I went all out on the food and drinks. I set up a buffet with many choices and a drink station (no alcohol). My friend's future aunt was in front of me at the buffet. She ate a chocolate-covered strawberry and put the stem on the buffet. I didn't say anything until she tasted a dip and then put the spoon back in the dip. I was furious. I told her to pick up the stem and put it on her plate, and if she wanted to know how something tasted, put some on her plate and use her own spoon to taste it from there. Of course, I removed the dip."

"A short time later, I heard cupboards opening and closing while everyone was eating. I entered the kitchen to find the aunt opening and closing my cupboards. I asked her what she was doing, and she said she was looking for a coffee cup. I told her there were coffee cups at the drink station. Later, I heard cabinets opening and closing again. I went down the hallway to find her snooping in my cabinets. I told her to sit down with the guests, and I would ask her to leave if I found her snooping again."


A large, beautifully arranged charcuterie board with a variety of fruits, cheeses, meats, nuts, crackers, and dips, as well as a tiered stand of donuts in the background
K10ramirez / Getty Images

7."In my early 20s, after college, a few friends and I had an apartment in Boston. One of our other close friends lived at home after college but would come and stay with us during the weekend and stay over after hitting the bars/nightclubs with us. He was usually a good guest. However, after a while, he got too comfy at our place. One weekend, he got sick from drinking too much, puked on our wood floors, and cleaned it by wiping it up with old newspaper. No soap or cleansers! Another weekend, he held a party at our place for some of his other friends without asking for our blessing or inviting us! He just had guests come over for a party he threw at our house!"


8."My brother-in-law was visiting friends in Florida. He always wore a thong but took it to a new level when he decided to grab a morning coffee in the kitchen, Winnie the Pooh-style (no pants, T-shirt). Our friend's wife entered the kitchen and was shocked to see him standing there, calmly drinking coffee. Also, he sunbathed nude in the backyard and sunned himself on the floaty in the pool. Their neighbors complained. I hope they burned all the furniture in the backyard."


A black thong-style underwear is laid flat in the image
Marisalia / Getty Images/iStockphoto

9."A fairly new friend I'd been hanging out with frequently was letting a friend of his from out of town have his one-room downtown apartment for a handful of days. My roommate had recently moved out, so I invited my friend to stay at mine in the burbs. I gave him my room and slept on the couch. I knew he had a drinking problem, and some red flags were building up, but he was polite during his stay, and we got along well. When he left, he apologized for running out of time to wash the bedding. I said no problem, but when I went to wash the sheets, I found he had been humping my pillows, a lot by the looks of them! I washed everything twice, threw out my crusty pillows, and ended the friendship. Dude, I put my face on those things. How would washing my pillowcases make that okay?"


10."A friend's son, wife, and 16-month-old child came to escape the heat. He told us his wife would be working and needed a quiet space every day. We gave her an extra bedroom. We gave her an extra bedroom. That lasted a few hours. She used every room, ignored the child all day, took tables, lamps, and even drawers from a desk in one of the rooms, and piled everything on top of each other in the closet. She did not put the room back together. Every morning, they would go out and come back with coffee, and she would eat something hidden in a little bag. They never asked us if we wanted anything or offered to take us out for a meal or contribute a single thing. To top it all off, she hid my dog's favorite toy in a Halloween decorations box in a closet. I discovered it last Halloween! It was so easy saying no to their request to come back for a few days this month, now with a 3-year-old and a 5-month-old. They are extremely wealthy but clueless."


A small dog stands indoors holding a plush toy in its mouth. Bookshelves and a wooden table are in the background
Anita Kot / Getty Images

11."An old friend, whom I had not seen in years, visited me for about a week. About two-thirds of the way through her visit, the pipe in our only bathroom burst, and the plumbers told us to use buckets of water to flush the toilet. When I told my guest, my guest said, 'Oh, that's okay. I just peed in your mug and dumped it down the sink.' I asked her not to do that again and to use the bucket instead and fill it with water to flush. She then said to me, 'But urine is sterile. I've drunk my own urine before. Monks do it all the time.' Needless to say, I was speechless."


12."A relative of my foster mother's would come over whenever she liked and tie up the phone for hours. Even if no one were home, she'd let herself in (doors were never locked) and go straight to the phone! If we were home, no one was allowed to do anything other than sit still and be quiet until she finished. Bathroom trips were the only escape allowed. It was considered impolite to leave while she was on the phone!"


An orange vintage corded telephone handset, placed on a light background with its curly cord extending from the left side
The_burtons / Getty Images

13."We met a seemingly nice couple while traveling in Turks and Caicos. We dined and visited a few places on the island since we had a rental car. The other couple was staying a day longer and wondered if we wanted to leave the car with them. Uh, no. We needed it to get to the airport. The next thing we knew, they said they would be traveling through our town and suggested they visit us. We accommodated them, and even though they knew we had a 14-year-old son at home, the wife traveled back and forth from their guest room to the bath next to my son's room in a bra and underwear. Not appropriate!"


14."My best friend from high school and her husband asked if they could stay with us on their way from Florida to northern Michigan. It was no problem until I came home from work to find she had gone through all my drawers or jewelry and set aside pieces she wanted me to give her! Her husband warned her I wouldn't like it, but she assured him we shared everything. I was mortified at the invasion of my privacy and snatched my things up. She kept bugging me to give her a certain pin. I was really mad. That was the last time I left her alone in my home."


An open jewelry box showing a collection of gold accessories and pearl necklaces
Pheigin / Getty Images/iStockphoto

15."My partner's daughter came from out of town and stayed with us. She is over 40 and rudely bossed her father around every day. She stayed in our guest bedroom, which had been my deceased daughter's bedroom. I kept many of her things in the dresser and closet. One morning, she came downstairs and informed me she was bored the previous evening and went through all my daughter's belongings. She had the nerve to ask for a Gucci handbag she had taken down from the top shelf in the closet. I was speechless and asked for an apology. Didn't happen."


16."Some family came for Thanksgiving for the first time. They brought their dog (without asking...and we have cats) and lots of drugs. The entire five days were a drunken drug fest with their dog laying all over our furniture and in our bed and chasing our pets. They were drunk and stoned the entire time while fighting and giving each other the silent treatment. Happy Thanksgiving. Never again!"


A Thanksgiving dinner table spread with a roasted turkey, stuffing, cranberries, mashed potatoes, cornbread, and various side dishes. Candle jars are lit
Tetra Images / Getty Images/Tetra images RF

17."Against my better judgment (and the advice of my own mother), I let my sister, her husband, and her young son stay with us when they lost their apartment. They had lost multiple apartments because they would stay without paying rent until the landlord figured out a way to kick them out. But she was family, and I couldn't turn her away. While there, they would hide their own food in their room but eat all our food. At the time, we were installing wood flooring in the living room, so the rule was that there would be no eating or drinking in the living room. I would get up in the morning (because I had to go to work early, so they were still up when I went to bed), and there would be the wrappers from icy pops in the living room, so obviously, that rule was ignored."

"I confronted my sister about it, and she said her husband thought that our rules were too strict! Also, our bathroom sink wasn't operational, so my brother-in-law helped himself to one of my Tupperware dishes. He filled it with water from the tub and set it in the sink to use for shaving because he couldn't manage to shave without a mirror.

We had about enough of it after about a month, and I told my husband he could kick them out (he had wanted to for a while but acquiesced to my wishes because they were family). They must've sensed that something was happening because they hid in their room with the lights off to avoid speaking to us. Finally, one day, I took our kids and left to take them to a park, knowing they would come out of their room after they thought we were all gone. My husband said that we had barely gotten out of the driveway when they emerged from their room, and he told him that we needed them to leave. My brother-in-law accused him of putting his son on the streets, and my husband said, 'Your son can stay, but you and your wife have to leave.'

He watched as they moved their stuff out because we didn't trust them at all, but our brother-in-law had his own idea of revenge. After they were gone, my husband discovered that my BIL had gone into the bathroom just before they left for the final time and urinated all over the whole bathroom: the sink, the tub, the walls, the floor, the ceiling. It was everywhere. That's what you get for being a good person."


18."Friends of my ex-husband's stayed with us between moving houses. I came home earlier than expected and found the wife leaving with a cooler of meat from my freezer. Her sister was 'facing hard times' and needed it. They could have actually stayed with her because she had room, but our place was 'nicer.'"


Plastic portable cooler with a white top section and a red bottom section, photographed against a plain background
Dimarik / Getty Images/iStockphoto

19."My ex-roommate invited a friend to sleep on our couch for a few weeks…without asking me first. I went along with it despite the rough start. The guest decided to help herself to our food and constantly left the front door unlocked, so I counted the days until she was gone. One Saturday morning, I was rudely awakened by the sound of a vacuum running before 6:00 a.m. However, my vacuum was still broken from the last bad roommate! I walked into the common area to see the houseguest blowing up my air mattress with a strange guy. They popped my air mattress before 6:00 a.m. on a Saturday!"


20."When my husband and I moved into our new house, my brother-in-law asked if his family (his girlfriend, their kid, and their dog) could rent out the basement until they had saved up to get an apartment. We said okay. At first, it was okay. Then, their dog got pregnant because they hadn't spayed her. She gave birth, and they didn't lift a finger to help with seven pups. My husband and I paid for all the food and vet bills. We raised, cleaned, socialized, and found homes for them. That's only the start. We asked them to use the shed outside to smoke weed and not smoke in the house. They didn't care. They not only smoked inside, but the girlfriend smoked 24/7 until she made herself physically ill from so much weed and vomited all over our floor. They both refused to clean the puke and let it sit for days until my husband cleaned it. This happened multiple times."

"Then, they bought four or more fish tanks and filled them with fish. The tanks leaked all over the carpet in their room, which created mold. The fish died of neglect. Our basement reeked of weed, vomit, mold, and rotting food. We tried to work with them for their kid's sake for a while, but things got worse. They fought and screamed at each other every night. They lied and stole from us. We finally had to kick them out. They abandoned their dog with us.

In the two years since then, they've been couch surfing at different houses until they get kicked out of those, too. They've had two more children. Child services has been involved and has done nothing. We got a cool dog out of it, at least. Oh yeah, and they never did pay the rent."


Golden Retriever nursing a litter of puppies on a wooden floor beside a window
Catherine Falls Commercial / Getty Images

21."I don't know if this counts as a houseguest because it was someone I met at a bar, took home, and haven't seen since that night. I don't even remember his name or if I ever knew it. Lucky for him, because he somehow ordered hundreds of dollars worth of porn on my cable TV account at some point?! I guess he did it while I was using the bathroom because nothing else about that night was good enough to hold my attention long enough for him to do that unnoticed. Lucky for ME, Comcast gave me the benefit of the doubt and refunded the charges because I had never ordered anything like that before."


22."My husband's cousin and his wife stayed with us for nearly a week. They had bottles of cheap wine in their suitcases and drank continually. We bought and prepared all the meals and would open a bottle of wine, but we were lucky to get one glass before they finished it off. Everywhere we went, they would stand back from the cashier, even when visiting a museum that they requested to visit, and would wait for us to open our wallets. They insisted on dropping into Trader Joe's before they left to buy as many bottles of cheap wine as they could fit into their suitcase. We did speak to them about their drinking, but they shrugged it off. I don't know which was more annoying, their unwillingness to offer to pay for anything or their unwillingness to open a bottle of wine and share with us. We stayed with them previously and paid for everything, by the way."


Various wine bottles with corks and foil wraps, lined up in a row
Valentynvolkov / Getty Images

23."My wife's sister, who lives 11 hours away, likes to travel. She has money and occasionally talks about how much she has in the bank. Travel is a fun pastime, but instead of hotels, she regularly finds distant relatives, friends, etc., to stay with. Last summer, she rented her house for a week, so she had no place to stay, and then asked if she could stay with us for a few days. We said no problem. After the first three days, she asked if she could stay longer and if her son could come too and sleep on the couch for a few days. Once again, we said okay. She then added that her son's new girlfriend would also be staying. The short stay turned into a week. Despite having money for dinners, drinks, etc., they never contributed to any food. My wife accepted this behavior since her sister has always been like this."

"Finally, the week ended, and they left. About a month later, a similar request came, and the sister asked to stay for three days. At the end of the third day, my wife, her sister, and I were having our morning coffee when I politely mentioned that the past three-day visit was much better than a week. She exploded, began crying, then left. She has not asked to stay at our house since."


24."We lived in the country and had a beautiful view. One of my husband's work colleagues asked if she could have her 'very tiny' wedding at our house because it was her dream setting. She promised it was just a couple of immediate family members. Turns out there were over 100 people. We came home to patio furniture in the pool, not one sheet remaining of our toilet paper or paper towels, ruined bath towels, a backed-up septic system, mud all over the kitchen countertops, and a garage filled with trash. I wouldn't treat a cheap motel that badly!"


A spilled champagne bottle and glass, surrounded by colorful balloons on a wooden floor
Pawel Kajak / Getty Images

25."When I was a kid, whenever we went on holiday, my grandma would pop in to feed the cat, water plants, etc. We'd return every time to find she had rearranged the living room furniture! The first few times, my mum was furious. After that, it became a running joke. She would move stuff around, but only little things to see if we'd notice. It's still a bit annoying, but much less so than having to re-rearrange the living room when you've got a bunch of holiday laundry to deal with!"


26.And: "My live-in boyfriend at the time invited his friend and his friend's family of four (plus two dogs) to stay at my two-bedroom apartment for a weekend. Mind you, he did not pay rent or share any household expenses. I politely reminded him of my apartment complex's no-dog rule and expected him to tell his friends to stay elsewhere. I came home from work to find them, their dogs, and their luggage in my living room. I reluctantly set up the air bed and kicked my kid out of her bedroom so they could stay in it."

"The dogs dragged their butts all over my carpet, spreading poo stains everywhere. The friend's fiancée mentioned relentlessly that she had a graduate degree. Half the people in our house did, so it wasn't a big deal. If her degree was worth anything, it could've paid for a hotel. Their kids paid my daughter no mind, even though she tried to be friendly with them. If I noticed my kid, a guest at someone's house, was being a snob to the owners or kids of the house, they would've been reprimanded real quick.

Weeks later, they dared ask if my kid would be in their wedding. I'd never met them before that weekend and never spoke to them again. Needless to say, I'm not with the old boy anymore and am grateful not to have his friends in my sphere."


Have you ever had a house guest behave strangely, disrespect your boundaries, or overstay their welcome? What happened? Tell us your story in the comments or submit it anonymously using this form.

Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.