25 vegan celebrities who've adopted plant-based eating and have never looked back

vegan celebrities 2023
25 vegan celebrities who are 100% plant-basedGetty Images

The crew of celebrities who are vegan is just getting bigger as the number of plant-based eaters in the UK continues rising — by a huge 360% in the past decade, according to research commissioned by the Vegan Society.

And for good reason: research has shown opting for a plant-based diet could reduce your chances of heart disease, type-2 diabetes, some cancers and obesity – alongside the obvious — that animals aren’t harmed in the making of tofu.

Research from the Journal of the American College of Nutrition also reported following a plant-based diet increases your metabolism and can help to speed up fat loss, so it makes sense that people are joining the vegan ranks simply in the name of good health.

Other benefits of switching to a plant-based diet? It’s less taxing on the environment – according to researchers at the University of Oxford, adopting a plant-based diet could cut your carbon footprint by up to 73%. And, it’s cheaper too, since research suggests a plant-based diet could cut your food expenses by up to 33%.

Worried that going vegan could lead to nutritional deficiencies? Clue up on our guide on how to prevent – and nix them – here.

For an insight into the plant-based, animal-product-free lives of celebrities who are vegan or if you're thinking of adopting a vegan diet but are worried you might find going cold turkey stressful, keep on scrolling...

25 celebrities who are vegan

1. Lizzo

Singer-songwriter Lizzo ditched animal products from her diet back in 2020, after following a vegetarian diet for seven years.

Lizzo first revealed she had gone vegan in a TikTok video where she said: ‘As a new vegan I’m enjoying exploring flavours from plants & plant-based proteins! Every journey is personal & deserves to be celebrated.’

She frequently shares her vegan journey to her 26.3 million followers with feel-good clips and recipe videos for inspo.

2. Sadie Sink

The Stranger Things star went vegan at just 14 years old, after working on set with passionate vegan and actor Woody Harrelson. After spending so much time with him, Sadie did some research and decided to go vegan because ‘it was the right thing to do’.

But she didn’t stop there, after six years of being vegan, Sadie teamed up with Stella McCartney to front a new vegan fashion campaign and encouraged everyone to consider switching to plant-based diets.

3. Pamela Anderson

Pamela Anderson is among PETA’s most vocal celebrities who are vegan – she’s an activist and has been a vegetarian since her early teens, later cutting out animal products altogether.

Alongside the young chef Delahna Flagg, the pair started recording an online cooking show: The Sensual Vegan.

4. Ellie Goulding

A prime example of a meat-free diet not stopping someone build muscle or training hard, the singer was veggie for a while, before transitioning to a vegan lifestyle in January 2020. Although it’s unclear if Ellie is still strictly vegan – she previously told Glamour that she ‘wasn’t a very good vegan’ – she did tell The Cut that she’d ‘definitely never eat fish or meat again.’ (Worried about plant-based protein? Check out our pick of vegan protein powders.)

5. Madelaine Petsch

Growing up as a vegetarian, it didn’t take the Riverdale star Madelaine Petsch long to go vegan (she completely cut out animal products at just 14). The actress now uses her YouTube channel to share plant-based recipes with her fans.

In an interview with Shape magazine, she said: ‘I was raised vegan, so I’ve always eaten super clean,’ she explained. ‘I ate out of my dad’s garden my entire life. It’s pretty great, and I think I took it for granted. Now living in L.A., I’m realizing that I had organic food at my fingertips 24/7, and I wasn’t paying $15 for a head of broccoli.’

She also works with PETA and the Environmental Media Association – an eco queen!

6. Jenna Dewan

The dancer-turned-actress Jenna is an advocate of a holistically healthy lifestyle. Along with removing animal products from her diet (her recipes are mostly vegan and always vegetarian), she practises yoga for the mind and dance training for her body.

7. Alicia Silverstone

Alicia Silverstone went vegan aged 21 years old, and although she’s openly talked about her struggles with living a balanced lifestyle in the past, she's overcome her battles to launch two books on veganism and a website about living clean, healthy and meat-free.

She even posed nude for Peta!

8. Demi Moore

Demi Moore’s active lifestyle is just one of the ways she’s continued to defy her age. At 60, she follows a strict vegan diet – and only eats raw plant foods that can be consumed without cooking.

File under: celebrities who are vegan and inspire a 'body for life'. See more evidence here.

9. Ariana Grande

The One Last Time singer has been vegan since 2013, after tweeting: ‘I've eaten organically since I was little and always kept meat minimal but today marks my first day as a 100% Vegan!!!! Joyous day.’

In an interview with The Mirror, Ariana declared her love for animals and how she preferred a plant-based diet: ‘I am a firm believer in eating a full plant-based, whole food diet that can expand your life length and make you an all-round happier person.’

Plus, both her makeup and fragrance lines are vegan and cruelty-free.

10. Natalie Portman

Hollywood actress and vegan Natalie Portman recently addressed the '9 Things Vegans Are Tired Of Hearing' in a video for Popsugar, where she responded to the anti-vegan argument that humans have always eaten meat with: ‘Well, humans did a lot of things since the beginning of time that we don’t do anymore.’

She credits the book Eating Animals with helping her ditch animal products completely, which is why she narrated the novel’s follow-up documentary on factory farming in 2017.

You can read more on Portman’s animal-free eating philosophy – and more about her general wellness habits – as to told to Women's Health, here.

11. Ruby Rose

Crowned PETA's ‘Sexiest Vegan’ in 2017 (yup, apparently it’s a thing), Orange Is The New Black actor Ruby Rose has since shared a peek at her plant-based food staples on Instagram Stories, which include vegan eggs, cheese, yoghurt and chocolate.

12. Nathalie Emmanuel

Actor Nathalie Emmanuel, of Game of Thrones fame, told WH that she went vegan to regain control over what she was putting into her body. It goes without saying that different food strategies work for different people, but the transition made her feel ‘amazing'’after just one week, giving her newfound energy.

Read more: Nathalie Emmanuel post-workout shake recipe

13. Billie Eilish

The singer was raised vegetarian and decided to go vegan in 2013, aged 12, using her platforms to spread awareness about animal agriculture. Based on her love of animals, she's told fans: 'Leave animals alone. Damn.'

he has also released two of her own vegan cruelty-free perfumes and collaborated with Nike to release vegan sneakers.

14. Rooney Mara

Having eaten a vegetarian diet since the age of nine, the actress went vegan in 2011 after going down a 'YouTube rabbit hole' of disturbing animal videos.

She's since co-founded a vegan clothing brand Hiraeth Collective and co-narrated Dominion, a documentary about animal rights, with her partner and fellow plant-based-eater Joaquin Phoenix.

15. Fearne Cotton

TV presenter turned wellbeing champ Fearne Cotton decided to up her veggie game in recent years, removing animal products from her diet and lifestyle, saying: ‘I think I just wanted to go full hog vegan and really kind of live and breathe that experience and not buy any new leather products.’ She published a plant-based cookbook, Happy Vegan, in 2019.

16. Lucy Watson

The 'animal lover' and ex-MIC-er went vegan after watching Cowspiracy and has since published two plant-based cookery books, launched a range of meat-free ready-meals and opened a vegan restaurant in London.

17. Thandiwe Newton

The actor is one of many people who credit Woody Harrelson for their veganism, ditching animal products after working with him on Solo: A Star Wars Story.

18. Bimini Bon Boulash

Drag Race finalist Bimini is an infamous vegan, waxing lyrical about it whenever they get the chance across social media and podcast appearances, even recreating Pammy's OG Peta campaign pic wearing a white bikini. In the ‘Meet the Queens’ teasers, Bimini told viewers they have been vegan for nearly seven years, saying ‘I invented veganism about seven years ago.’

19. Jessica Chastain

She’s been vegan for over 15 years, citing health benefits for the initial decision that she said left her with ‘more energy than I've ever had in my life’ – she told W Magazine – and has since become more vocal about the environment and the treatment of animals.

In fact, she’s actually an investor in Beyond Meat and, rumour has it, she even bought her mum a vegan food truck.

20. Erykah Badu

The singer-songwriter has been vegan (though she doesn't call herself one as she doesn't 'subscribe to any type of organisations') since the late nineties, when her first album came out... One serious trailblazer.

21. Stella McCartney

Unsurprising, as the offspring of vegan activist Linda McCartney, Stella steers clear of animal products in her own diet, lifestyle and designs, championing innovative cruelty-free alternatives to leather and fur.

22. Maggie Q

When Maggie Q isn’t doing her own kick-ass stunts in her film scenes, you’ll find the actress working hard in the gym, cooking up a storm in the kitchen, and advocating for animal rights.

After learning about animal welfare issues 20 years ago, Maggie Q completely overhauled her diet and switched to plant-based eating – she regularly teams up with PETA to promote the organisation’s causes.

23. Emily Deschanel

The actress has been vegan since her teen years, after she watched the 1991 documentary Diet for a New America. She adopted veganism after seeing the impact the dairy and meat industry has on the environment as well as the related animal welfare issues. She told the Vegetarian Times: ‘People don’t even know what they are supporting by what they eat.’

Emily also got some flak for staying vegan while pregnant, but she hasn’t let that bother her, opting to raise her son, Henry, as a vegan.

24. Ellen Pompeo

It was just what the doctor ordered for Grey’s Anatomy star, Ellen Pompeo. At a routine doctor’s appointment, Ellen’s physician introduced her to her new book on the health benefits of veganism for women.

This was enough to convince the actress to switch up her diet, getting her husband and kids to jump on the bandwagon too. She then took to Instagram to share the ‘game changer’ with her followers.

25. Mayim Bialik

Actress, vegan, and author. Yep, Mayim Bialik has taken her passion for plant-based eating further than most by writing her own plant-based cookbook called Mayim’s Vegan Table.

She even teamed up with vegan chef Allison Cruddas in 2019 to open Bodhi Bowl in Downtown LA, serving grain bowls, salads, soups, and sandwiches which are all 100 per cent vegan, but sadly, it has now closed.

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