21 Toxic Moms Who Should Have Had Their Parenting Cards Revoked Yesterday

Note: Some posts include topics of domestic abuse and verbal abuse. Please proceed with caution.

1.This mom, who was beyond cruel and didn't accept her trans kid's new name:

Text message from "Dad" reads: "Until you change your name back from Jenny, you will not be welcome home. It’s killing your mom." Image shows a person sitting on a bathroom floor, hugging their knees
u/MLG_Sora_Art / Via reddit.com

2.This mom, who refused to take accountability for being abusive to her daughter (and instead blamed her kid):

Text conversation about relationship issues and personal boundaries, involving sisters and the deceased dad
u/pechjackal / Via reddit.com
Summary of the text message: The sender tells a girl she'll never hear from them again, mentions counseling, and accuses her of being "screwed up"
u/pechjackal / Via reddit.com

3.This mom, who totally destroyed her kid's phone because she couldn't open it (which isn't her place at ALL):

Two images show a smartphone with a badly cracked screen and back. The accompanying message asks, "Wtf did you do to my phone last night?"
u/H3ll0_k1tt3y_L0V3R / Via reddit.com
Text conversation with a parent where the child questions a password change rule
u/H3ll0_k1tt3y_L0V3R / Via reddit.com
Text messages exchange: "You're crazy." "You wanna see crazy?...if you wanna act this way." "Don't come in my room at night anymore."
u/H3ll0_k1tt3y_L0V3R / Via reddit.com

4.This stepmom, who texted their stepdaughter deeply cruel things long after she divorced her dad:

Stepmom texting kid harmful things: "Mistakes were made, but not by me"
u/VickiKat / Via reddit.com
Kid defending themselves: "You need to move on. I know it makes you feel good to shit on other people"
u/VickiKat / Via reddit.com
Stepmom responding: "Just want you to know that you heard me. Actually didn't read your message. Bye"
u/VickiKat / Via reddit.com

5.This mom, who refused to console her daughter after learning she was assaulted at 15 years old by her brother-in-law:

Text conversation about taking responsibility involving someone and kids
u/emo_that_emotes / Via reddit.com

6.This mom, who was totally out of line and essentially wrote up a "lease" with ridiculous "rules" (some revolving around personal hygiene) for her teenage daughter:

Summary of text: Agreement outlines rules for living with no financial contribution, including personal hygiene, curfews, and consequences for breach
u/Core_Of_The_Random / Via reddit.com
A form stating conditions for a strike, including expectations, signatures, and timelines for compliance or consequences
u/Core_Of_The_Random / Via reddit.com

7.This mom, who abandoned their grocery shopping responsibilities for their kids and unfortunately got drunk at a bar instead:

Mom at the bar getting drunk instead of grocery shopping for kids, and leaving a child at home to take care of them
u/wb_2006 / Via reddit.com
Child saying they're not going to take care of the kids while the mother is at the bar instead of the store where she said she was going
u/wb_2006 / Via reddit.com
Child saying they're going to call the non-emergency police number
u/wb_2006 / Via reddit.com
Mom trying to tell child what to do with the kids who aren't asleep instead of coming home and taking care of them herself
u/wb_2006 / Via reddit.com
Child saying if the mother isn't home by midnight, they're leaving the kids up by themselves, and mother offers to pay the child
u/wb_2006 / Via reddit.com

8.This mom, who couldn't understand why her daughter had a problem with her brother SMACKING HER BUTT at a family event:

Text exchange discussing someone's teasing behavior, another's disapproval of the activity, and a perception of exaggerated reactions
u/kanondreamer / Via reddit.com

9.This mom, who verbally abused her kid after learning they didn't vote for Donald Tr*mp (but still "claimed to love them anyway"):

Text message discussing disappointment in parenting, expressing feelings of failure, sorrow, and emotional struggle over adult child's choices
u/advice23639201974 / Via reddit.com
Text message expressing unconditional love from a parent to their child, despite past hurt
u/advice23639201974 / Via reddit.com

10.This mom, who yelled at her grown-ass son for getting a tattoo when...it's none of her business??? And he didn't need to get her permission?:

Text message exchange expressing anger and frustration about getting a neck tattoo, with heavy use of profanity and insults
u/xxvxwxc / Via reddit.com
Text conversation expressing intense anger and disbelief over someone's actions, with repeated emphasis on feeling judged and upset
u/xxvxwxc / Via reddit.com

11.This mom, who said extremely damaging things to her kid after they came out as bisexual:

Mom to child: "Which for someone like me who is 100% heterosexual, hard to wrap my head around"
u/macabrejaguar / Via reddit.com
Mom attempting to defend herself
u/macabrejaguar / Via reddit.com

12.This mom, who didn't support her kid when they needed medical help and made them feel weirdly guilty about the whole thing:

Text messages between a parent and child about a tendon injury, MRI, and financial concerns. Parent expresses dissatisfaction with the situation
u/No_Passage5020 / Via reddit.com
Text message exchange: Child reminds Mom about MRI. Mom responds about insurance pre-authorization and concern about hobbies. Child reassures Mom
u/No_Passage5020 / Via reddit.com

13.This mom, who refused to take responsibility for the hurt they caused their daughter:

Text conversation: Parent sends a birthday wish; child replies expressing hurt about past parenting actions. Parent responds by saying they'll block the child
u/ZealousidealLaw9364 / Via reddit.com

14.This mom, who manipulated their kid in the most disgusting way possible when they weren't available to drive their dad to work:

Mom: "You mean you can't drop off or pick up your father at work? Meanwhile you spend the entire day with Valentina? We have made endless modifications FOR YOU"
u/buttery-battery / Via reddit.com
Mom: "Even daddy picking you up from the airport the other night. Something you've never done for us! The list is never-ending"
u/buttery-battery / Via reddit.com
Mom: "Your constant 'I Cants' with your parents are very inconsiderate, not to mention ungrateful"
u/buttery-battery / Via reddit.com
Mom: "Again, I will NOT be silenced anymore! What is wrong is wrong! Your actions are wrong!"
u/buttery-battery / Via reddit.com

15.This mom, who tracked down their kid on Instagram after having no contact and harassed them:

Mom: "If you want us out of your life, so let it be. But I deserve an explanation"
u/MetallHengst / Via reddit.com
Mom: "I know where you live, so rip the bandaid off or I'll be at your door waiting"
u/MetallHengst / Via reddit.com
Mom's Instagram page, with a bio that reads: "The truth will come out, and so will justice! I stand firm with my head held high"
u/MetallHengst / Via reddit.com

16.This mom, who was baffled that their son cooked ramen noodles in the house because they went against their "healthy food" rules:

Mother complaining that her son brought ramen noodles into the house and also drank Coke Zero and ate Popeyes chicken during a sleepover
u/AsianVixen4U / Via reddit.com

17.This mom, who borrowed their daughter's car and then weirdly refused to return it when their daughter needed it:

Mom making daughter feel guilty about asking for her car back to drive to work
u/Massive_Struggle4395 / Via reddit.com
Mom tells daughter to get a better job so she can use Uber to get to work and SHE can continue using the daughter's car while hers gets repainted
u/Massive_Struggle4395 / Via reddit.com

18.This mom, who kicked their kid out of the house because......they got a tattoo???:

A series of text messages discussing tough love and life changes, mentioning working multiple jobs independently at age 20
u/Intrepid-Guest9811 / Via reddit.com

19.This mom, who tried to make their son feel guilty when he didn't share his flight information:

Mom making her kid feel guilty that they didn't share their flight information
u/shadowknuxem / Via reddit.com
Kid standing up for themselves, and mom responding: "You're a grown adult who needs to have some responsibility to all of your family"
u/shadowknuxem / Via reddit.com
Kid defending themselves: "Every time there's a slight against you, you always come at me"
u/shadowknuxem / Via reddit.com
Mom: "Do you and when you decide you need a family again instead of allowing toxicity push you away from everything, you know I'll be here"
u/shadowknuxem / Via reddit.com

20.This mom, who, after kicking their trans son out of the house and filing a false police report against him, sent this email:

Email to a recipient, expressing love and asking them to come home regardless of pregnancy status, signed "Your mama."
u/heyitskevin1 / Via reddit.com

21.And this mom, who criticized their adult daughter for having a healthy birth control plan:

Mom criticizing her daughter for having a healthy birth control plan
u/Recifeeder / Via reddit.com
Mom: "You cannot behave this way when you don't have a boyfriend"
u/Recifeeder / Via reddit.com

If you are concerned that a child is experiencing or may be in danger of abuse, you can call or text the National Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-422-4453 (4.A.CHILD); service can be provided in over 140 languages.