21 Screenshots Of Helicopter Parents Who Are Still Treating Their Adult Children Like Infants

1.This parent who wanted their 25-year-old to be indoors before sunset...even though they didn't live together:

Parent asks if they're about to take the dogs out before dark, and when child says "not yet," parent says "almost dark here," child says "not here," parent says "Alexa said 8:52 is sunset there," and child says "Omg stop"
u/Cats_Dogs_Dawgs / Via reddit.com

2.This parent who was trying to unlock their 30-year-old's phone:

"Hey mum, I have this app on my phone that takes a picture of whoever tries to get into my phone; I was just deleting the images and I saw that you tried to unlock it 4 times on October 20 at 8:33pm; why?" Mom; "Because I can!" with three laughing emojis
u/SwedishGoose524 / Via reddit.com

3.This parent who didn't want their 30-year-old child to get influenced by the devil at a concert:

Mother to child who is going to an Iron Maiden concert: the website and video "are straight from the devil," and when child says Dad used to listen to them, Mom says she's "praying for your mind, eyes, and ears for what the concert is going to do to you"
u/cothromaiochta66 / Via reddit.com

4.This parent who didn't see their child as "pure" anymore because they were living with their partner before marriage:

A parent asks their child to return the ring they had given them for their wedding because the meaning of it wasn't honored, and they were denied the privilege of walking her down the aisle "pure" to give to her husband
u/Dapper-Judge-629 / Via reddit.com

5.This parent who demanded that their 19-year-old take out their nose piercing whenever they come home:

Child wishes mother a "Happy Mother's Day," and she says, "We have asked you more than once to remove the shrapnel from your face when you come to the house; please be respectful of your Dad and I; if you come to our house, please take it out"
u/kgchode / Via reddit.com

6.This parent who got mad that their child was busy at college orientation:

A child says they were in orientation so couldn't answer the phone, and their father responds, "I will match your responsiveness to me when you need something from me moving forward"
u/Hamilfan16 / Via reddit.com

7.These parents who hid a camera in the kitchen to track what their 19-year-old was eating:

Close-up of a camera on top of a kitchen appliance, below a cabinet
u/ludoms100 / Via reddit.com

8.This parent who blew up their 18-year-old's phone with messages because they didn't answer the phone for 15 minutes:

Screenshot of a series of text messages and missed voice calls between 4:15 and 4:28 pm, in which parent eventually says they're calling the police because they "don't know where you are or why you resd my messages with no answer"
u/rhysceleste / Via reddit.com

9.This parent who threatened not to send their 18-year-old to college if they didn't spend time with them:

Parent texts child a summary of the number of minutes they've spent with them over several days and says they're going to send their child a daily summary as their way of "journaling our relationship"
u/Strange-Ad-7764 / Via reddit.com

10.This parent who wouldn't stop messaging their adult child when they knew they were sleeping over at their boyfriend's place:

Parent sends a series of texts over 10 minutes asking where the child is, saying they're with some guy they don't know and are they OK, that they're giving them a little longer and then they're calling the police, and this is "freaking ridiculous"
u/wide_peepo_hap / Via reddit.com

11.This parent who threw a fit when their 21-year-old disabled the tracking device on their phone:

Parent texts "OK you stopped sharing, thanks," "You're on your own, nice knowing you," "And plus you lied to me, I'm done," and "You're an asshole, fuck off"
u/JaimeAH / Via reddit.com

12.This parent who set a strict weekly dinner schedule as soon as their 22-year-old moved out:

Parent says they're setting a weekly "family time" of Sunday at 5 pm, by Zoom if necessary, and Mom, Dad, and two children all have to be present and can take turns choosing the venue; can change day and time only if they give 3 days' notice
u/Elektriksola / Via reddit.com

13.This parent who freaked out when they thought their 22-year-old sneaked out:

Child wishes "happy Mother's Day to the woman who called the cops on me when she didn't find me in my room sleeping in the middle of the night and thought I snuck out of the house; I was downstairs in the kitchen eating cereal and also 22"
u/leasors / Via reddit.com

14.This parent who tried to get their 20-year-old to get off of birth control:

Mother asks if the child has a "birth control implant" because they saw "replace implant" on the child's calendar, and when mother says they need to talk when they get home, child says it's none of the mother's business what they do with their body
u/Recifeeder / Via reddit.com
Mom says it is her business if the child is being unsafe, and when child says that using BC is the opposite of unsafe, mom says the child is not leaving the house tomorrow until they talk, and child says they're staying elsewhere tonight
u/Recifeeder / Via reddit.com

15.This parent who showed up at their child's place unannounced and didn't see why they were upset:

Mother says her family can visit anytime because they're her "fucking family," child says they're just trying to set a boundary, and when mother says that's a "little cold" and she didn't raise them that way, child says a heads-up is not a lot to ask for
u/_asphodel14 / Via reddit.com
When child says "You woke me up and I was naked in bed," mother says "It doesn't matter what I think? OK, you're not welcome to come to my house unless you tell me first then too — how stupid; plus I was legitimately worried about you, so suck it"
u/_asphodel14 / Via reddit.com

16.This parent who was furious that their 18-year-old had been sexually active for a year:

Child says they really wanted to tell the parent and be honest, but they were worried the parent was going to ban their partner, and parent says to "call that bitch to come get you, you can do whatever the hell you want from this fucking day forward"
u/Solrac8D / Via reddit.com

17.This parent who was mad about something their 22-year-old child liked on Facebook:

The parent says they're bothered that their child liked a Facebook post about someone being unbaptized, the child says they must have liked it by mistake, and the parent asks the child to go back and unlike it
u/MustangLover22 / Via reddit.com

18.This parent who demanded that their child download a location tracking app:

The child refuses the tracking app and says they're 27, and the parent responds, "I am just putting your name on my list, don't get your feathers ruffled, relax"
u/B1narypwny / Via reddit.com

19.This parent who didn't want their adult child to get their own bank account:

A father tells their child that their mother will be angry if the child gets a separate bank account and asks why they want to hide their purchases
u/ikcuts / Via reddit.com
The child continues to insist on separate accounts, the father says "Try approaching from a different attitude," and the child says "No, everyone I tell about my mom seeing my bank account says it's crazy or weird"
u/ikcuts / Via reddit.com

20.This parent who wanted proof that their 20-year-old child was at the movies like they said:

A parent asks if their child has gotten to the movie, the child says yes, and the parent asks for a picture of the movie screen or ticket
u/jboy1229 / Via reddit.com

21.And this parent who was keeping tabs on their 40-year-old child years after they got arrested for a petty misdemeanor:

The parent says it was reported to them that their child was spotted on the highway and asks where they're going; the 40-year-old child says, "This is how you get blocked mom"
u/whit4504 / Via reddit.com

H/T: r/insaneparents.