Unusual reasons you may be snoring at night

Even if your parents were not snorers that doesn't mean you won't be. There are all kinds of things that can cause this unintentional night symphony beyond something blocking nasal passages or sleeping on your back.

Shoshana Ungerleider, an internist at Sutter Health, told the HuffPost that an under-active thyroid could alter your upper airway and make breathing during sleep very difficult.

There are also changes in your tissue that are linked to your weight and age that could also lead to snoring. Being overweight can lead to poor muscle tone and an increased amount of tissue around the throat and neck. Both of these can cause snoring.

Brian Drew, a physician at Ear Nose and Throat Specialty Care of Minnesota tells HuffPost it could have something to do with the shape of your mouth, like a lower, thicker or soft palate, some of which could be treated with a dental night guard or some other solution.

Having something blocking off your nasal passageway can definitely contribute to snoring. This could be due to a possible allergy (e.g. to dust mites) or a deviated septum. An allergist can help to treat your sensitivities or nasal sprays can increase nasal volume by 20%, which dramatically increases flow through your nostrils potentially solving the problem if previously blocked.

Of course, it could be other things like sinus problems or drinking alcohol before bed. Jagdeep Bijwadia, a board-certified doctor in internal, sleep and pulmonary diseases medicine says alcohol relaxes your airway muscles, which can lead to excessive snoring ― even if you're not a regular snorer.

Over-sized tonsils or adenoids could also be to blame, but snoring can also be a sign of sleep apnea and if the noise is keeping your partner up regularly, it may be a sign that you should visit your doctor.