Australian senator punches 17-year-old after being egged

An Australian senator who sparked global outrage after he blamed the New Zealand terror attack on Muslim immigration, has punched a 17-year-old boy in the face after he was egged at an event in Melbourne.

The attention seeking Fraser Anning, who is a far-right independent senator was being interviewed over his comments when a teenage boy appeared to crack an egg on the back of his head.

The senator lashed out at the boy punching him in the face before attempting to hit him again as by-standers stepped in to restrain him. Supporters were then filmed piling onto the boy pinning him to the ground before he was arrested by police.

It's unclear if the senator will face any police action over his reaction.

Australia has been convulsed following the New Zealand terrorist attacks which saw 49 people gunned down at mosques in Christchurch. Police have arrested an Australian citizen in relation to the massacre.

Australian politics and society has been polarised over the issue of immigration and race with far-right politicians making headway in elections.