How to make an anti-cellulite bath soak

Lifestyle expert and Instagram star Hannah Bronfman has shared her dry brushing technique and her go-to relaxing bath soak recipe that helps battle the appearance of cellulite.

Despite working out and eating clean it can be hard to shift cellulite, but Bronfman claims her both soak can reduce the appearance of it.

"Basically, the base is almond and jojoba oil, which are very nurturing and soothing for the skin. And then, we've got grapefruit oil, which is really kind of the hero of this concoction, which is basically an anti-bloating agent," she says.

"It really helps with getting rid of water retention. And then we're also gonna use fennel oil which is chock-full of antioxidants and some lemon oil, which is fully replenishing and nurturing for your skin."

"You wanna sweat out all of that stuff that we are preparing your body to sweat out because before you're gonna get in the bath, you're gonna dry brush. And this is really gonna help with the circulation, it's gonna help move that lymph, and it's gonna help detox. So this is what you're gonna do to prepare yourself and your body before you get in the bath to get all of the good stuff that's coming from this concoction."

"Do this with a brush that has natural fibers and something that's not too rough, because it obviously can hurt to dry brush your skin."