Robo-trousers to give the elderly a boost

Robotic trousers that help the wearer stand up or provide extra support could soon be a familiar sight on clothes rails around the world, according to British engineers.

They're designed to be strong enough to pull a person from a seated to standing position, which could keep the elderly or infirm mobile and independent for longer.

Professor Jonathan Rossiter of the University of Bristol said: "Without these technologies, people who are stuck sitting in their living rooms, in their chairs, may not be able to get up, may not be able to move around. And at that point in their lives they will transition into a care setting - and that's very expensive and it reduces their mobility and also their cognitive ability as slowly they start to feel less comfortable moving around."

Using robots to aid older people's cognitive and physical wellbeing is slowly gaining acceptance.

The team are now working on the first wearable prototype and they think their trousers will be a common sight on clothes rails around the world within seven years.

See how they work in the video above.