Thieves use device to hack into and steal cars worth £62,000

This shocking footage can show how quickly thieves can steal high-value cars from outside the home - in a matter of 60 seconds.

Ali Tuma, 27, his father Mohammed and mother Jenan, were asleep when they fell victim to a crafty criminal technique known as the "relay". Relay crime has become a major problem and involves pinging a fake signal to fool the car into transmitting a signal to the owner's key fob, and then vice versa, in order to gain entry.

CCTV footage from Mr Tuma's home shows two men and a woman dressed in hoods and jackets walking down the pavement outside the family home in Brent, north London. They seem to pull out electronic devices in order to hack the two cars.

What can you do to thwart the criminals?

While keyless systems are a convenience they're also a major vulnerability, putting many owners at risk. However, there are several ways to stop the criminals in their tracks; such as a 'signal-blocking pouch', that prevents your key fob from being able to transmit a signal.

The best methods all involve ditching hi-tech solutions. Steering and wheel locks will probably prove most effective as they'll stop, or at least slow down the most determined thief. Secondary alarms can deter while a GPS tracking system can help you locate your car quickly.

Manufacturers advise that you keep your car's computer firmware upgraded. While, car crime will probably always be with us there are ways to make the criminals' job less of a Sunday drive.