Watch people's reactions when 'homeless' man gives out money

Instead of begging for money, one man is giving it.

When award-winning TV Director, Tim Owens, was let go from his job he decided to hand out his last paycheck to strangers.

See also: Councils 'tell homeless to sleep on the streets so they can get help'

See also: Shelter warns of 'crisis' as more than 250,000 have no permanent home

Unsurprisingly the people he approached on the busy highway were somewhat confused by what he was doing.

Owens can be heard approaching the drivers saying: "I have more than I need and I want you to have this."

Using the explanation: "It's good to give."

It was his version of therapy and a way to cope with the sudden change in his life.

But what he learned from this experiment was that it's not always the people in tattered clothes that are struggling.

Sometimes they're people in regular cars in need of a pick-up.