Five myths about coughs and colds you probably think are true

Woman blowing nose into tissue
Woman blowing nose into tissue

If there's one thing that spreads faster than a cold... it's misconceptions about health. Here are five myths that your probably thought were true but are actually nothing more than myths.

See also: These bizarre cold remedies actually work

See also: Best foods to boost the immune system

1. If you have a fever, you're not contagious

The old adage that if you're showing symptoms, you're not infectious is a complete myth. While it's true that you are highly infectious in the run up to falling ill, so you may spread germs around before you even know you're ill. But a runny nose and fever means your still contagious, as well as before you get ill. highest level of contagion is usually first couple of days. Very first day and continue to show symptoms.

See also: How to shorten your cold

2. The flu vaccine causes the flu

Flu shots don't inject you with a 'mini dose' of flu, giving you the illness. But while the shot does contain a flu strain, it is totally inactive. Any side-effects you might get afterwards are signs that your body is fighting the introduction of a foreign substance to the body.

3. You should starve a fever, feed a cold

Starving a fever means you're not feeding your body with the essential nutrients it needs. Drinking and eating well is extremely important. Chicken noodle soup actually can help symptoms of cold, thanks to anti-inflammatory properties.

4. Vitamin C will kill a cold

Studies have failed to find any evidence to support these claims. But vitamin C is important for a healthy immune system.

5. Cold weather gives you a coldWhile it's true that people do tend to get sick in the winter, this is nothing to do with the weather. It's much more to do with the fact that people tend to be cooped up and in closer contact with each other when it's cold. In fact, cold weather is better than warm weather, because the average cold germ can be killed by low temperatures - and some studies suggest that going outside could increase the number of cells that fight infection. The same goes for damp hair and being cold and wet.