Disgusting way thief distracts Olympic hopeful will shock you

Germany Athletics Worlds
Germany Athletics Worlds

Distraction theft has been taken to a new level in Rio, after a thief threw up over an Olympic hurdler in a clever plan to steal thousands of pounds worth of luggage.

Last week, Shi Dongpeng, a Chinese hurdler, arrived in Rio with his cameraman. They went to their hotel to check in, and put their bags next to them on the ground.

At that point, the International Sports Press Association reported that a seemingly drunk man ran into the hotel and threw up all over the athlete.

Dongpeng went to the nearest bathroom to clean himself up, while the cameraman chased after the drunk, who had run from the hotel. When both men returned, their bags had gone.

The Daily Mail reported that when the hotel checked the CCTV footage, they found that an accomplice had been waiting outside the hotel, and when the cameraman abandoned the bags in order to give chase, he calmly walked in, and took them.

Rio has always been known for street crime risks, and despite the fact that the streets are currently being patrolled by 38,000 soldiers and 47,000 police officers, athletes, fans and journalists have warned to be very careful in public places.

Lessons for us all

Wherever you are in the world, it's a useful reminder of the risks of distraction theft. While a gang may not go to the trouble of throwing up on you, there are a number of techniques they may use to distract you while they take your money or valuables.

In the UK, criminals will often target ATMs. While you are in the middle of your transaction, one of the gang members will distract you - possibly by asking you a question, or by telling you that you've dropped something. Some gangs will time this distraction so they can take the money you have withdrawn. Others will have spied on you as you entered your PIN, so will take your card.

Alternatively, they may target people carrying valuables in a crowd. They may spill liquid onto your clothes, drop something in front of you so that you help them pick it up, or ask for directions - using a map to distract you. Alternatively, one of the gang may just stop at the top of an escalator, and while you are distracted by crashing into them, their accomplice behind you will bump into you, and take your valuables.

One recent twist reported by Suffolk Police is to spy on people's PIN at the supermarket checkout. The thieves then follow the victim to their car and one of them will distract the shopper by telling them have dropped some money or asking for directions, while the other steals their card.

The advice from the police is to keep your valuables close, securely zipped into a bag that's held across your body. When entering your PIN in stores or ATMs, make sure you cover the keypad with your hand so nobody can see it. You should also be wary of anyone approaching you in the street, and consider whether your valuables are safe while you talk to them.

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