Heartbreaking video: Elephant asks for help after being shot

Elephant Calmly Asks For Help After Living With Infected Bullet Lodged In Skull
Elephant Calmly Asks For Help After Living With Infected Bullet Lodged In Skull

This elephant was in so much pain that he walked right up to doctors to ask for help.

Named 'Pretty Boy', this targeted elephant was shot in the head and the hole could be seen right in the centre of his forehead.

See also: Watch this elephant fall asleep to a lullaby

See also: Brave injured elephant seeks out humans for help

The elephant was then tranquilised and given an x-ray which showed a deformed bullet lodged in his skull.

Vets believe the poor elephant was hit centimetres too high for what's known as a 'kill shot' by hunters.

The gentle and relaxed animal let doctors in Zimbabwe examine him and operate on him to remove the bullet.

The animal was so exhausted he was later seen falling asleep against a tree with what we imagine was quite a headache.

Even though they say elephants never forget, let's hope this one does...