Seagull snatches iPhone on Exmouth Beach

Seagull Snatches an iPhone on English Beach
Seagull Snatches an iPhone on English Beach

Holidaymaker Chloe Rainey was enjoying the summer weather on Exmouth Beach, Devon recently when a mischievous seagull snatched her iPhone and raced away across the sand.

The hilarious moment was caught on video on the very phone the gull had lifted into its mouth.

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Chloe and a friend can be seen running in the distance when she quickly spots the cheeky bird waddling towards her phone which was sitting on a pile of clothes.

The gull quickly picks up the phone in its beak and dashes off, only abandoning the phone after Chloe chases it down but not before a few seconds of the gull's escapades were caught on camera.

The gull's feet can be seen furiously pacing away from the scene of the crime before it clearly realises that it's not going to get away with it's trick and drops the phone back on to the sand.

Chloe told the Daily Mail: "The beach was deserted - there was nobody around so we just decided to set up the video to post to the blog.

"I put my brand new phone down on my jumper on the beach and started filming and off we went.

"The next thing I knew I saw the seagull circling my jumper and then it grabbed my phone.

It wasn't an easy recovery however. Chloe added: "I had to swipe it with my jumper for it to let go. The whole thing was hilarious really."

The video, which was originally posted on Facebook, was viewed more than 43,000 times in just four days.