Euro 2016 rip off revealed - prices hiked 165%

England Euro 2016 Squad Departure - Luton Airport
England Euro 2016 Squad Departure - Luton Airport

Inspired by all the players heading off for the Euro 2016 tournament? Fancy throwing your suitcase in the back of the car on the spur of the moment and heading off to be part of it all? Then you're set for a horrible shock - as you'll fall foul of one of the biggest rip offs of the tournament - astonishing hikes in hotel costs.

According to a study by No. 1 Currency, 94% of hotel rooms in Marseilles are already filled for the time when England plays Russia at the stadium. The situation is similar in Lens when England play Wales.

With just a few rooms left for each of the games, hotel owners are hiking prices sky-high - safe in the knowledge that there will be plenty of fans who have left it all to the last minute, and who will be sitting ducks for their overcharging rouse. Prices are up as much as 165%.

If you need a room for the night of the England vs Wales game, you can expect to pay an average of £176 for a three star room - and this figure is only set to rise further as the game draws nearer.

Welsh fans face the biggest hikes of all the home nations: in Toulouse, when Wales play Russia, the average hotel will cost £130 - up 165% from the usual price; and in Bordeaux when they play Slovakia, prices will be up 135% to £153 a night.

In fact, at this point, the only match for any of the home nations where you can get a room for less than an average of £100 a night is in Saint Etienne when England play Slovakia - but you can be sure that if you leave booking much longer, you'll see this price climb too.

Simon Phillips, Retail Director at No.1 Currency, comments: "Many believe this is England's best chance to win a tournament since 1996. Add into the mix Wales first appearance in a major championships in 58 years, and it's hardly surprising that hotels have up the 'No Vacancies' signs. For fans planning to travel last minute to France, they should be prepared to pay over the odds not just for tickets but also hotel rooms."

What should you do?

The situation could get even worse. Phillips points out that the Euros start just before the EU referendum. As the vote approaches, there's a good chance the currency markets will get the jitters - spooked by the risk of Britain leaving the EU - which will send the pound down against the euro - and make travel to France even more expensive.

It doesn't mean you can't be inspired to make a last minute trip to France by the excitement of the euros. It may just mean it's worth getting your currency early, checking you have enough cash for the inflated prices, and possibly even packing the tent - as there are plenty of camp sites fairly near all of the matches.

But what do you think? Will you be going? Is it worth it? Let us know in the comments.

A Guide To Euro 2016
A Guide To Euro 2016