Lawyer wants to sue restaurant for running out of free soup

Texas Lawyer Announced Intent To Sue Restaurant For Running Out Of Free Soup
Texas Lawyer Announced Intent To Sue Restaurant For Running Out Of Free Soup

Restaurants run out of specials from time to time, and while that may cause some disappointment, one customer in Texas believes the situation is worthy of a lawsuit.

Lawyer Dwain Downing says his meal on April 16 at Mansfield's Our Place Restaurant came without the soup mentioned on the menu, and staff refused to offer an alternative item or a discount, reports Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

He has since sent a letter to the establishment announcing his intention to sue. Downing writes: "The menu is an offer for a contract by you. I accepted the offer.

This action by you and I created a binding contract which is legally enforceable in a court of law. You then breached the contract by not providing the soup as promised by you on the menu."

He goes on to say: "I demand that you pay $2.25 in damages and $250 in attorney's fees for the cost of this demand letter."

Benji Arslanovski, the restaurant's owner says that the soup is a free add-on, and the menu states it is only available while supplies last.

Arslanovski has told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram that he has no intention of paying the money.

He said: "Isn't it amazing? This could have been solved with a simple phone call, and he could have come by and gotten a free cup of soup."

As TheScoopBlog points out, this isn't the first time Arslanovski has attracted media attention.

Last year he posted a number of 'name and shame' pictures to Facebook after a customer left his restaurant without paying.

It worked in his favour though after the post went viral and the customer in question returned and paid the bill in full.