Alopecia: What it feels like to lose your hair

What It Felt Like to Lose My Hair from Alopecia
What It Felt Like to Lose My Hair from Alopecia

Becky has been dealing with auto immune disorders for most of her life, and, at 17, when her hair started falling out, it quickly became apparent that she had developed alopecia areata.

The cause of this condition is still not known, but scientists believe genes may play a role. If a person is genetically predisposed to alopecia, some type of trigger - for example a virus or something in the environment - starts the attack on the hair follicles.

Becky explains: "Alopecia is when your immune system attacks your own hair follicles, causing your hair to break and fall out.

For nine years, she struggled with condition, putting her hair into different styles to trying and hide the bald spots. She also regularly attended a dermatology clinic for steroid injections in a bid to control the condition.

"Every three weeks I come in and a dermatologist injects cortisone into my scalp.

It wasn't pleasant. "I am a really lucky and grateful person - but losing your hair sucks, and those shots, every three weeks for nine years, suck."

Becky says she eventually grew tired of the maintenance and unpredictability and decided she was ready to shave her head and I want to wear wigs.

She is one of millions of women who suffer from alopecia (one recent study found that as many as one in three women wold develop the condition).

For more information, and for support if you or someone close to has alopecia, you can visit

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