Nestlé releases gold coated KitKat in Japan

Nestlé Gives KitKat Golden Touch in Japan
Nestlé Gives KitKat Golden Touch in Japan

Most of us will receive some sort of chocolate in our stocking this Christmas but it's unlikely that many of them will be coated in gold.

Swiss food giant Nestlé have unveiled a gold-wrapped KitKat bar in a bid to lure Japanese holiday shoppers to their doors.

The single-fingered golden KitKat is wrapped with an extra thin layer of gold. Willy Wonka step aside, we think we've found the golden ticket!

Nestlé have said that the gold leaf on the chocolate bar is edible although much harder to make than the usual kind.

Only a limited supply of 500 of the bars will go on sale from 29 December with a surprisingly low price tag of just $16.

The golden KitKat is the latest of the global chocolate brand's exotic line up in the country.

KitKat have been delighting Japanese customers since their debut in the country in 1973 with around 30 different flavours including sweet potato, green tea, soy sauce and even wasabi... we think we'll stick to the regular KitKats!

According to the Wall Street Journal the chocolate bar has been released to coincide with the one millionth visitor to the KitKat Chocolatory stores.

These shops sell special edition, premium versions of the popular chocolate bars.

KitKat Bars Used as Tickets by Japanese Train Riders
KitKat Bars Used as Tickets by Japanese Train Riders