Surprising signs that your partner is cheating (video)

Surprising Signs of a Cheater
Surprising Signs of a Cheater

When it comes to cheaters, it could be nice to get some warning signs before you get your heartbroken.

Stars of a show called The Doctors handily reveal three possible red flags that your partner could be cheating on you.

The first? Don't date a guy called Wayne, apparently.

According to a survey of 2,000 women, Wayne was the least trustworthy name.

Another cheating sign is reportedly if your age ends in the number 9, so 29, 39, 49 etc.

The presenter says: "I think there is something to that, those age-related crises are more likely to happen when you're going from one decade to another."

The last sign is that your partner is a shopaholic, because you apparently want to be noticed.

The presenter says: "Yes for retail junkies, it's all about being fashionable, being seen, being hip. Constantly changing with fashion trends means they could also be a little fickle."

The report said: "The typical female adulteress is a big shopper with a preferred brand of Banana Republic."

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