Is this the world's worst tourist attraction?

Scenes Of Theme Park 'Love Land' In Jeju
Scenes Of Theme Park 'Love Land' In Jeju

Niagara Falls and the Mona Lisa have been named some of the world's worst tourist attractions singled out by travel experts and reviewers in recent years.

But the most recent 'naming and shaming' of overrated attractions, featured in the International Business Times includes some unlikely candidates, including Sydney Fish Market and the Kodaka Trail in Papua New Guinea.

Of the world-famous Australian fish market, the IB Times says: "Most of the tourists get disappointed as there is hardly anything interesting to see or do in this place. Even if a tourist happens to enjoy buying fish... the sellers here are often accused of being overpriced."

The Kodaka Trial in Papua New Guinea, meanwhile, which attracts thousands of tourists every year, is criticised for being "treacherous and leech infested".

world's worst tourist attractions
world's worst tourist attractions

Other overrated attractions include the beaches of Acapulco, an area with a high murder and drug crime rate, and Niagara Falls, which has suffered explicit commercialisation.

Meanwhile, in the Seattle Times, travel TV host and writer Rick Steves singles out the Costa del Sol as one of Europe's most overrated tourist attractions, with its "concrete, pollution, ridiculous prices and traffic jams."

And England's Land's End featured as one of Europe's worst tourist destinations and was described as "a tacky tourist trap where greedy businesses have chewed up whatever small bit of charm or authenticity this place might once have had".

Have you visited any of these so-called tourist traps? And do you agree? Leave a comment and let us know below.

Take a look at AOL Travel's pick of bad tourist attractions:

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