Giant cannibal slugs invading Britain

Giant slugs invading Britain
Giant slugs invading Britain

Giant cannibal slugs are reportedly invading gardens in Britain.

The slug, which are orange and can grow up to six inches long, are thought to feed on each other - as well as munching their way through gardeners' plants. They can even eat dead mice and excrement.

It is believed the Vulgaris (or Spanish Slugs) arrived on imported Spanish salad leaves, and they have now been spotted in Cambridgeshire and other parts of the country.

Graham Cornell, from Lode, Cambridgeshire, said they are a menace in his garden.

Speaking to ITV News, he said: "I've never seen anything like them. They're huge and they leave a trail behind them half an inch wide.

"They don't seem to be affected by pellets - the only way to stop them is to spear them."

Balmy weather this year is thought to have seen their populations flourish after they were thought to have been killed off by cold weather back in 2010.

According to the Metro, they have also been spotted in gardens throughout East Anglia, the West Midlands, the New Forest and the south coast, as well as in city areas like London.

It is now feared they may interbreed with native slugs and create a 'superslug' resistant to cold and pellets.

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