British man who sold his life on eBay now selling Caribbean island

British man who sold his life on eBay now selling Caribbean idyll
British man who sold his life on eBay now selling Caribbean idyll

Got a spare £160,000? Take a leaf out of Ian Usher's book, leave the rat race and snap up his Caribbean paradise island.

The Brit who five years ago famously sold his entire life on eBay when his wife left him six years after they emigrated from England to Perth, Australia, is now moving on again - and has put his Caribbean life up for sale.

When Ian's marriage broke down, he literally sold everything to fund a travelling adventure, including is car, home, jet ski, job and friends.

The £192,000 he made from the sale paid for him to tick off some of the 100 things on his bucket list, including acting in a Hollywood film, meeting Richard Branson and learning to fly a plane.

According to the Mirror, he also travelled to dozens of countries around the world, swum with a humpback whale and her calf, and rode a motorbike on a wall of death.

Back in 2012, Disney even bought the film rights to his amazing story.

British man who sold his life on eBay now selling Caribbean idyll
British man who sold his life on eBay now selling Caribbean idyll

Along the way, he also found love with a Canadian woman and, after two years of travelling, spent around £30,000 on a 2.2-acre island in Bocas Del Toro in the north west corner of Panama, where he then built himself a home.

Ian, originally from Darlington, County Durham, has now put that home - along with everything else he owns - on sale on his website called Caribbean Life 4 Sale.

The website calls the sale, "The lifestyle of your dreams on your own private Caribbean island... for less than half the price of an average London terraced house!"

The 'lifestyle' include his solar-powered wooden home, motor boats, dug-out canoes, and fresh exotic fruits grown on the island, according to Perth Now.

British man who sold his life on eBay now selling Caribbean idyll
British man who sold his life on eBay now selling Caribbean idyll

So why's he selling up? He told the Daily Mail: 'It's a beautiful place, but the traveller's itchy feet are starting to tickle again.

"I still have a long list of places I want to see, and I can't do that if I'm lounging in a hammock on the balcony sipping a margarita.."

The new owner can enjoy snorkelling, surfing, diving, and the wildlife on the island, including "bats, possums, pelicans, parrots and hummingbirds", resorts his website.

Ian adds: "I've snorkelled with an eagle ray inside the bay, and we've seen a couple of turtles, too. At the little island just across the channel from mine we once saw a small nurse shark."

British man who sold his life on eBay now selling Caribbean idyll
British man who sold his life on eBay now selling Caribbean idyll

But, he adds, it's the people who make it truly magical, saying: "For me, one of the most wonderful aspects of living down here is the mix of people that live here, or have come here to make a fresh start for themselves. The blend of local Panamanians, indigenous Indians and gringo ex-pats makes for a very interesting lifestyle and social circle.

"Through building here, I have met many of the local Panamanian people, both in work situations, and socially, and have found them to be very open, friendly and fun-loving people."

You'll even get fresh lobster and crab dropped off at your dock, says Ian: "Scattered around the archipelago there are several indigenous communities, and it is very common to have a local fisherman turning up at the dock to offer fresh snapper, or maybe crabs or lobsters for sale, still alive in the bottom of the boat - can't get much fresher than that! "

However, he does warn that island life does not come stress-free, suggesting that new owners should be aware of common thefts, and tropical insects called chitras that leave a nasty sting, reports

But for £160,000, it sounds like a bit of a bargain to us.

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