Abandoned rare tiger cubs make public debut in Kent

Abandoned rare tiger cubs make public debut in Kent
Abandoned rare tiger cubs make public debut in Kent

Two rare Siberian (or Amur) tiger cubs who were hand-reared after their mother abandoned them have been introduced to an adoring public.

Five-month-old cubs Kazimir and Arina were seen playfully bouncing all over their 'father', keeper Ben Warren, at Howletts Wild Animal Park.

Abandoned rare tiger cubs make public debut in Kent
Abandoned rare tiger cubs make public debut in Kent

According to the Daily Mail, Mr Warren said: "These cute cubs had a hard start in life, as their mum left them alone.

"We made the decision to hand raise them so that they would get the nutrition and care that they needed.

"This involved hand-feeding them both at two-hourly intervals, constant supervision and regular medical checks by the on-site vet team at the wild animal park.

"It's great to see them doing well. They've both got huge characters."

Abandoned rare tiger cubs make public debut in Kent
Abandoned rare tiger cubs make public debut in Kent

The birth of these two gorgeous cubs is seen as extremely important as it's thought there are only 400 Amur or Siberian tigers left in the wild, in China, eastern Russia, and parts of North Korea.

Amur tigers can grow up to 80 inches long and weigh up to 380lbs - at which point, we imagine, these two won't be playing with Mr Warren...

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