Swarm of thousands of bees delay US flight

Swarm of thousands of bees delay US flight, bees on plane, delta honeybees
Swarm of thousands of bees delay US flight, bees on plane, delta honeybees


A Delta Air Lines flight from Pittsburgh to New York was delayed at Pittsburgh International Airport on Wednesday when a swarm of thousands of honeybees gathered on the plane's wing.

KDKA-TV reported how crews were getting ready to fuel the plane when the bees gathered on the wing and a beekeeper had to be called out.

Master beekeeper Stephen Repasky, who had to collect the insects as they are protected species that cannot legally be killed, told KDKA-TV that such swarms form when colonies become too large and the queen leaves half of her bees behind to find a new home. Some of these swarms can contain up to 30,000 bees.

Repasky said swarms of bees at the airport were common and it is likely there is a wild honeybee colony at the airport.

Watch the report of honeybees gathering on the Delta Air Lines plane by KDKA-TV below...

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