Amazing pics! Man slacklines over the Cheddar Gorge

Man slacklines over the Cheddar Gorge
Man slacklines over the Cheddar Gorge


A daredevil holidaymaker has gone to the height of extremes in the Cheddar Gorge - by 'slacklining' - walking barefoot on a cross wire - suspended 500ft above the ground.

He used a camera on the end of a pole to take some beautiful holiday snaps as he crossed the famous landmark in Somerset.

Slacklining is a skill that is increasing in popularity among daredevils. The rope is not held rigid: rather it stretches and bounces as the walker progresses, allowing him to perform acrobatics in the same way a trampoline might.

Man slacklines over the Cheddar Gorge
Man slacklines over the Cheddar Gorge


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