Brian Blessed roars onto a TomTom near you

If you're one of the 25,000 people who signed up to the Facebook campaign to have Brian Blessed's voice recorded for sat nav directions, you'll be happy to hear that the bearded eccentric's inimitable tones have been released for TomTom's range of sat navs.

A motorist from Manchester began the campaign to have Blessed, known for his role as Prince Vultan in Flash Gordon film and repeatedly failing to climb Everest, announce the instructions on his sat nav.

Normally we couldn't give a toss who read out our directions, but there is a certain perverse pleasure in having a national treasure as unhinged as big Brian tell us that: "You've reached your destination. Congratulations. Onwards and upwards! To Everest next, and the North Pole..."

Yep, that's in there. Along with a cavalcade of other blustery gems. To watch the Shakespearean actor shamelessly selling his soul, click below.