20 Texts From "Nice Guys" Who Are Out There, And I Pray You Don't Swipe Right On One

Warning: Some submissions include topics of verbal abuse, harassment, body-shaming, and LGBTQ hate. Please proceed with caution.

1.This "nice guy" who expressed his sexual desires in a very aggressive way when his date clearly wasn't on the same page as him:

Text exchange planning a coffee meetup; one person asks about availability, the other confirms a meeting time and place
u/No-Exchange-7366 / Via reddit.com
A series of text messages discussing differing expectations and interests, leading to a mutual decision not to pursue further contact
u/No-Exchange-7366 / Via reddit.com
Text conversation about relationship preferences and casual intimacy
u/No-Exchange-7366 / Via reddit.com
A text message where the sender says they're blocking the recipient due to a lack of relationship interest and the recipient's trauma
u/No-Exchange-7366 / Via reddit.com

2.This "nice guy" who persisted he was a gentleman on dates because he didn't "expect sex," when in reality.......that's where his twisted mind went:

A text exchange where one person insists girls quickly fall in love with them while the other person suggests modesty and challenges assumptions about relationships
u/Sad-Conversation5769 / Via reddit.com
Text conversation about differing relationship goals, with one person seeking a relationship and the other expressing interest in casual interactions
u/Sad-Conversation5769 / Via reddit.com
Text conversation where one person makes inappropriate and dismissive comments, while the other responds mostly neutrally, ending with "This is going on Reddit."
u/Sad-Conversation5769 / Via reddit.com

3.This "nice guy" who complained to no end when a woman rejected him, and couldn't understand why "she wouldn't want to date a polite man like him:"

Summary: The writer describes an encounter with a woman who rejected his attempt to talk. He feels upset and criticized, and conveys strong resentment
u/Frankensteins_Kid / Via reddit.com

4.This "nice guy" who expected the world from a girl he barely knew, and set impossibly high and uncomfortable expectations:

Screenshot of a texting conversation discussing boredom, asking questions, and maintaining contact
u/Intricateflaws / Via reddit.com
Text conversation expressing frustration over ghosting and relationship fears, ending with someone saying they're done
u/Intricateflaws / Via reddit.com

5.This "nice guy" who essentially berated women for not liking "nice guys" who "open doors for them," and claimed they "ruined" the dating world for men:

A social media post ranting about relationship dynamics and contrasting modern dating with an adult dating schedule involving movies and ice cream
u/chubby_sprout / Via reddit.com

6.This "nice guy" who wouldn't accept a potential match who identified as asexual, and totally crossed the line more than once:

Text conversation about sexual experiences and relationships, discussing expectations and misunderstandings with humor and emojis
u/rottenroyalebooks / Via reddit.com
Text conversation with messages about mood changes, moving goalposts, and being taken seriously in relationships
u/rottenroyalebooks / Via reddit.com
Text conversation about dating preferences and standards, mentioning past relationships
u/rottenroyalebooks / Via reddit.com
Series of text messages criticizing someone for lying and advising them to reflect on self-improvement and mature relationships
u/rottenroyalebooks / Via reddit.com
Text conversation with a sticker: One person criticizes another's behavior and views on relationships and gender roles, suggesting maturity is needed
u/rottenroyalebooks / Via reddit.com

7.This "nice guy" who lacked human decency and let a match know what kind of "real guy" he is:

A person expresses frustration about communication in a dating app conversation, rejecting efforts to continue chatting online and emphasizing self-worth
u/Chi-Unit / Via reddit.com

8.This "nice guy" who thought he was warning a girl about how awful her boyfriend was, when in reality, he just made her feel 10 times worse:

Text exchange warning about someone's boyfriend talking negatively behind their back and suggesting he plans to break up
u/H2O_Cloud / Via reddit.com
Text exchange between two people discussing track team membership and addressing unwanted messages and relationship boundaries
u/H2O_Cloud / Via reddit.com
Two text messages with offensive and threatening language aimed at someone, containing personal insults and aggressive comments
u/H2O_Cloud / Via reddit.com

And then messaged her AGAIN from a different phone number, making her feel deeply uncomfortable:

Text conversation about forming a study group, confusion over classes, and plans for a meeting in a library
u/H2O_Cloud / Via reddit.com
A conversation showing someone asking for comfort after a breakup, while the other person insists they leave them alone, mentioning possible police action
u/H2O_Cloud / Via reddit.com

9.This "nice guy" who told a woman to "BE NICE" after he mansplained that a woman's lot in life is to "respond to men" ASAP:

Text exchange between two people catching up, one mentions going to the hospital
u/No-Good-5707 / Via reddit.com
A conversation shows one person explaining they're in transit and will respond later, while the other questions their rush and lack of time
u/No-Good-5707 / Via reddit.com
Text conversation with confusion over "What a waste" and instructions to question responses of "Nothing." Includes casual chat elements
u/No-Good-5707 / Via reddit.com
Text conversation with playful banter about manners and being ignored, featuring laughing emojis
u/No-Good-5707 / Via reddit.com
Text conversation where one person expresses disinterest in another, questioning why they should be interested after knowing them for just a week
u/No-Good-5707 / Via reddit.com
Text exchange with one person asserting value, the other responding dismissively, ending with laughter and emojis
u/No-Good-5707 / Via reddit.com
Text conversation with one person frustrated, using strong language, and another person correcting a typo with "*suit."
u/No-Good-5707 / Via reddit.com
Text conversation discussing relationship status. One person insists they have a boyfriend, while the other questions the boyfriend's existence skeptically
u/No-Good-5707 / Via reddit.com

10.This "nice guy" who was BEYOND insensitive when he was rejected by a woman:

Text conversation where one person clarifies their age as 19 but expresses disinterest in further chatting, while the other insists on making conversation
u/naytypebeat / Via reddit.com
Text exchange about dating, with one person questioning honesty and another expressing disinterest in continuing communication
u/naytypebeat / Via reddit.com

11.This "nice guy" who invited his ex-girlfriend to his baby shower and turned into a baby himself when she declined:

Text conversation with messages about possibly getting back together and having a baby due in the summer
u/OverlordKeesh / Via reddit.com
Text message exchange discussing an invitation to a baby shower, ending with one party blocking the other after a heated conversation
u/OverlordKeesh / Via reddit.com

12.This "nice guy" who shamed women who used vibrators instead of "feeling satisfied" by having sex with "a real man":

"Girls will pound themselves silly with a piece of plastic while leaving a good man that would love them 'till [the] end of time in the friend zone"
u/Sandman1025 / Via reddit.com

13.This "nice guy" who was drunkenly crude about a woman's appearance in what he probably thought was "complimentary":

"I'm all about consent"
u/asiantitor / Via reddit.com

14.This "nice guy" who unfairly expected the world out of a woman he had only been talking to for a day:

"Nice guy:" "You couldn't say good morning or anything before you hopped on, so I see where your minds at"
u/Ohheylookitsash / Via reddit.com
"Nice guy:" "It makes me mad you didn't even say good morning"
u/Ohheylookitsash / Via reddit.com
"Nice guy:" "No one makes no effort or fail to see something that they did which was stupid"
u/Ohheylookitsash / Via reddit.com
"Nice guy:" "Okay. Smh. For someone so interested you definitely didn't show it"
u/Ohheylookitsash / Via reddit.com
"Nice guy:" "Coward. Probably blocked me anyways. But yeah dude you do the exact opposite of what to do when someone's definitely upset at you"
u/Ohheylookitsash / Via reddit.com
"Nice guy:" "Furthermore when someone is upset with you the last thing you should do is not respond because that creates so much more"
u/Ohheylookitsash / Via reddit.com
"Nice guy:" "You seem really attractive and really interested and then you 180 unaided didn't bother trying so fuck you"
u/Ohheylookitsash / Via reddit.com
"Nice guy" texting from a new number: "You'll probably never find love"
u/Ohheylookitsash / Via reddit.com

15.This "nice guy" who tried convincing a woman that "career women" were fools, and that a man who "takes care of women" is admirable:

"Most men are not looking for some boss babe"
u/Commercial_Prune1299 / Via reddit.com
"I feel like I'm doing my part by speaking out"
u/Commercial_Prune1299 / Via reddit.com
"Do you actually think a man like me cares about that?"
u/Commercial_Prune1299 / Via reddit.com

16.This "nice guy" who pressured a woman into sending him naked pictures when she repeatedly refused to do so:

"I was respectful"
u/Jaydensreddit666 / Via reddit.com

17.This "nice guy" who essentially shamed a woman because she didn't have romantic feelings for him:

"That story you told yourself was not true"
u/Away-Caterpillar-176 / Via reddit.com
"You not accepting my answer for why things changed and asking if there's someone else makes it very clear that I'm not projecting about that"
u/Away-Caterpillar-176 / Via reddit.com
"I'm actually a loser piece of shit orphan"
u/Away-Caterpillar-176 / Via reddit.com

18.This "nice guy" whose Hinge dating profile was actually pretty petty and a MAJOR red flag for women everywhere:

"Don't blame the god and say, 'Why god why, why you never sent a nice guy in my life"
u/kittensreign / Via reddit.com

19.This "nice guy" who totally disregarded a woman who MISCARRIED a baby and still wanted a blowjob from her:

"Free today to suck me off?
u/CraftySappho / Via reddit.com

20.And this "nice guy" who hit on an LGBTQ woman and was weirdly baffled when they rejected him:

Text exchange: "How are you doing today pretty?" followed by "Do you have a boyfriend?" Response: "Oh no, I like girls lol." Follow-up: "Why don't you like boys?"
u/shuichihasdied / Via reddit.com
A chat where one person discusses not being attracted to boys and responds to messages about Snapchat and how the other is doing
u/shuichihasdied / Via reddit.com
A text exchange between two people from September 1 to 6, discussing absence and well-being
u/shuichihasdied / Via reddit.com
Chat showing a message where someone expresses romantic interest and hopes for a frequent conversation, followed by a reply about being blocked
u/shuichihasdied / Via reddit.com