20 Texts From "Nice Guys" Who Are Out There, And I Pray You Don't Swipe Right On One
Warning: Some submissions include topics of verbal abuse, harassment, body-shaming, and LGBTQ hate. Please proceed with caution.
1.This "nice guy" who expressed his sexual desires in a very aggressive way when his date clearly wasn't on the same page as him:
2.This "nice guy" who persisted he was a gentleman on dates because he didn't "expect sex," when in reality.......that's where his twisted mind went:
3.This "nice guy" who complained to no end when a woman rejected him, and couldn't understand why "she wouldn't want to date a polite man like him:"
4.This "nice guy" who expected the world from a girl he barely knew, and set impossibly high and uncomfortable expectations:
5.This "nice guy" who essentially berated women for not liking "nice guys" who "open doors for them," and claimed they "ruined" the dating world for men:
6.This "nice guy" who wouldn't accept a potential match who identified as asexual, and totally crossed the line more than once:
7.This "nice guy" who lacked human decency and let a match know what kind of "real guy" he is:
8.This "nice guy" who thought he was warning a girl about how awful her boyfriend was, when in reality, he just made her feel 10 times worse:
And then messaged her AGAIN from a different phone number, making her feel deeply uncomfortable:
9.This "nice guy" who told a woman to "BE NICE" after he mansplained that a woman's lot in life is to "respond to men" ASAP:
10.This "nice guy" who was BEYOND insensitive when he was rejected by a woman:
11.This "nice guy" who invited his ex-girlfriend to his baby shower and turned into a baby himself when she declined:
12.This "nice guy" who shamed women who used vibrators instead of "feeling satisfied" by having sex with "a real man":
13.This "nice guy" who was drunkenly crude about a woman's appearance in what he probably thought was "complimentary":
14.This "nice guy" who unfairly expected the world out of a woman he had only been talking to for a day:
15.This "nice guy" who tried convincing a woman that "career women" were fools, and that a man who "takes care of women" is admirable:
16.This "nice guy" who pressured a woman into sending him naked pictures when she repeatedly refused to do so:
17.This "nice guy" who essentially shamed a woman because she didn't have romantic feelings for him:
18.This "nice guy" whose Hinge dating profile was actually pretty petty and a MAJOR red flag for women everywhere:
19.This "nice guy" who totally disregarded a woman who MISCARRIED a baby and still wanted a blowjob from her:
20.And this "nice guy" who hit on an LGBTQ woman and was weirdly baffled when they rejected him: