19 Things Americans Say Have Changed, For Better Or Worse, Since The '90s

Recently, I asked the BuzzFeed community about things that were once normal in America that are now non-existent. The responses were interesting, to say the least, maybe even nostalgic.

1."Smoking. It was everywhere, all the time. Cigarette ads were in magazines, TV and movie characters smoked, there was smoking allowed on planes, and in restaurants. It's now banned in most places. I couldn't tell you the last time I actually saw someone smoking."


Close-up of several rolled cigarettes standing upright, showcasing the packed tobacco
Ligora / Getty Images

2."Homophobia was common and homosexuals were a punch-line in a lot of movies in the 90s."


3."This is not exactly mainstream, but the US government banned manufacturing processes that produce trans fats in oils and processed foods. This increased cultural health consciousness."


The image contains text, "No Trans Fat," in stylized green font
Igor Levin / Getty Images

4."Expecting your child to move out once they've graduated high school. These days they stay for a very long time, many even after marriage while they save up for a house. Two decades ago that was made fun of if you were 25 and still living at home, now it's expected. And I honestly don't know what I think about that...I'm a millennial."


5."Vulgar swear words have gone by the wayside. The words that were prohibited when I was a kid all had to do with bodily fluids and functions, or had anti-religious themes. Now no one cares if you say 'shit,' 'fuck,' or 'hell.' The really bad words now are slurs, and attacks on people's identity, health, or character."


6."Being friends with people who belong to a different political party than you. Once upon a time people were kind and agreed to disagree. The media has put an end to that with its non-stop political bashing and brainwashing, using terms like 'snowflake liberal' or 'MAGA.'"


7."Conversation about politics or religion. You used to be able to have a civil discussion and maybe a nice debate, but now they have become so controversial. It really escalated since Obama’s presidency and COVID. If you even mention something vaguely related, it becomes a full argument."

—15, Indiana

8."The separation of church and state."


9."Children playing outside without adult supervision. Nowadays you could live in a safe, small town and wouldn’t dare walk inside the house for a minute to grab something if kids under 10 are out front."

Four children are playing outside on dirt ground surrounded by trees. One child jumps in mid-air, while the others watch and play
Hadynyah / Getty Images

10."Adult characters found it funny that a 15-year-old boy lost his virginity to a 30-something woman in the series Six Feet Under."


11."Smoking in cars with children."


12."'I'm leaving for the day, or a weekend. I haven't decided yet.' No check-in, no phone, no GPS, 'I'll be back when I'll be back. Going exploring, not sure where I'll be.' Probably didn't lock the door on my way out, who cares? Whatever. Home by 5 or I don't get dinner. Nobody batted an eye."


13."Fifty cents for a mug of coffee at a diner. Cracker Barrel now wants $3.99 for a cup of lukewarm coffee."


14."Not knowing directions to a place."


Two women are taking a selfie during a hike in a green, forested area. Both carry backpacks and appear to be enjoying the nature around them
Nemke / Getty Images

15."The casual use of 'retard,' 'retarded' and 'gay.'"


16."Sexual and physical jokes. Over the years sexual jokes have become a more sensitive topic, especially on television. Also, using another group's culture and claiming it. It seems it's mainly happening in the USA, it's called cultural appropriation? (Correct me if I'm wrong)."


17."A good ole’ manual transmission stick shift sports car! Stupid automatics went and ruined why sports cars were fun to drive, now they’re not even worth it."


18."Paying actual money for internet porn."


Jimmy Fallon on a talk show set with city skyline in the background. Text overlaid at the bottom reads, "EVERYTHING IS FREE!"

19.And finally, "Watch old episodes of shows like Law and Order, Malcolm in the Middle..etc. All the things we now consider faux pas, offensive, bigoted…were humorous or not yet used in those negative ways…even Friends would make people cringe. Stereotypes were fodder."

— mayfeelthis

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