19 Of The Most Painfully Confusing Photos To Ever Exist On The Planet
1.Let's start with this perfectly captured moment of a shirtless man who walked past a fountain so it looked like he was wearing a wedding dress:
2.And this perfect angle of a person chillin' on a bus bench...
With two knees behind him resembling a bare booty:
3.This trippy image of a garbage disposal sucking up the soapy water from a kitchen sink that looks identical to a giant eye:
4.This mind-boggling photo of a dog that you just can't figure out:
(If you're still stumped, the top right is the nose, and the left and bottom circle are the eyes.)
5.This person who sat in the one place that would perfectly create a LEGO-looking face for themself:
6.This person who is being hugged by what looks like another person with a tree growing out of their head:
7.This roof that looks like it has a yard growing out of it:
8.This person who does not have this face:
9.This little lizard who looks like it is parkouring off a cup:
10.This cat who looks like it is missing its front paws:
11.And this dog who looks like it is missing its head...
But that is just how it sleeps:
12.Here's another animal one — it seems like one very odd dog at a glance, but there's really two of 'em:
13.This four-wheeler that you'd bet money is floating:
14.And this bike that you'd be convinced is stuck in quicksand:
15.This plastic bag that you might think is a smooshed cat:
16.These Girl Scout cookies that look life-size:
17.This photo of a stadium that legit looks like a UFO:
18.This person whose head just disappeared:
19.And, finally, this cat that I am still trying to figure out: