19 Times People Visited Someone Else's Home And Were Immediately Like, "Yup, I'm Never Coming Back Here"

Reddit user Cosplau6718 asked people to share what they saw in other people's houses that made them think, "I'm never visiting again." The responses ranged from uncomfortable to downright disturbing. Here's what people revealed:

1."A work friend invited me to his house to watch a hockey game. I brought a six-pack of beers, and he was stoked and put them in his fridge. He proceeded to pour himself Scotch but never asked me if I wanted to have a drink. Then, he pulled out some leftovers and made himself a dish, and again, he never asked me if I was hungry. Then, I asked for one of the beers I had brought, and he said, 'I guess, but I was going to save them for another time.' I left after the game, and it's been really awkward at work since."


2."The cat was on the counter chewing on the ham. It was then served to us: chew marks, hair, and all. The server was adamant that it wasn't the cat, even though several of us saw it and moved the cat away. Then we got lectured for not appreciating our hairy, saliva-soaked food."


A tabby cat stands on a kitchen counter, looking alert with wide eyes. Various kitchen utensils and a window are visible in the background
Westend61 / Getty Images/Westend61

3."I had a friend in high school, and every time I'd go over to his house, two missionaries and a church leader would just randomly pop in to say hello and talk about Mormon stuff. I was always polite until about the third or fourth time they did it, and we started doing 'lessons.' They mentioned the lessons were designed for new believers, and I asked which one of them was a new believer, and they all looked at me. I never went back."


4."I was asked to help clean up, which was fair enough because dishes and trash accumulated over the visit. But then, somehow, I ended up doing a giant heap of laundry that had been clearly neglected in a corner for a long time. I agreed to help clean up, but they acted like I was now a free housekeeper."


Laundry basket filled with various clothes and towels, placed against a plain background
Jeffrey Coolidge / Getty Images

5."My husband had an old high school friend who was living in the area of AZ we were visiting. My husband insisted we stop by for a visit to see his old friend. We pulled up, and this guy had mannequins all over his yard, and not in an artsy way. He also had no furniture inside his house and had a brand new shiny grand piano in the kitchen. The rest of the house was FULL of these giant crystal geodes that were probably worth a fortune, and there were cardboard boxes everywhere. His girlfriend offered us mac 'n' cheese off the stove, which had probably been there for at least a full day. He had these small scars all over his body. He pointed out they were from some magical frog ceremony and explained he was a Shaman or something like that."

"My husband asked about the mannequins, and he said, 'I pretend they are my ex-wife and use them for target practice,' and then asked my 10-year-old son if he wanted to shoot at them. This was not in a rural area with lots of land; it was a regular neighborhood with houses in close proximity. He tried to give us a tortoise when we left, and when we declined, he wanted to give us a chicken instead. It was the strangest experience we've ever had at someone's house."


6."After we ate dinner at someone's house, they put the plates on the floor. The dog came over and licked them clean. They then picked up the plates and put them STRAIGHT IN THE CUPBOARD! I immediately went to the bathroom, threw up, and told my partner I felt sick and wanted to go home."


A Golden Retriever licks an empty white plate while lying on a tiled floor indoors
Chendongshan / Getty Images

7."He told me to push the pizza carton with a half-eaten pizza onto the floor to make space for me on the couch. There was trash everywhere, and his advice was to push it to the side with my foot to 'make a path.' He was slovenly to a degree I'd have never known had I not visited his apartment. He was not a hoarder, mind you; the guy just didn't really clean. At all."


8."Having a bat crawl on my foot and them saying, 'Oh yeah, we have an infestation of bats. They fall out of the ceiling all the time.' I had to get rabies shots."


A bat is flying through a dark space with its wings spread wide
Joe Mcdonald / Getty Images

9."I visited my aunt in a different state when I was 11. In the room I slept in, there was a light-up Jesus painting. It put off about as much light as a nightlight, which was comforting until the parade of roaches began marching across his face single-file. I'm not lying when I tell you I went to therapy for that little gem."


10."The first sign should have been when I got in his car after a date, and the passenger seat was PILED with trash. He threw a bunch of it in the back to make room for me, but I was practically sitting with my knees to my chest because there was so much garbage on the floor. Then, we went back to his house, and he decided to clean the litter box by dumping the entire thing out on his back porch. It was winter, so his back porch was literally just a pile of cat litter, poop, and snow. I had never seen anything like it. I got out of there quickly."


Car center console cluttered with a banana peel, empty plastic bottle, used napkin, a drink cup, pair of sunglasses, and a phone charger cable
Victorass88 / Getty Images/iStockphoto

11."When I was in high school, I was working on a project with a friend at her house, and her parents asked me to stay for dinner. Right before dinner, her mother asked me what religion I was. When I said that I didn't believe in god, she told me only believers could eat at her table. She set me up at a card table about three feet from the dining table. They talked to me, but I couldn't eat at the same table. I never went back."


12."A neighbor had turned their beautiful dining room with built-in cabinets and paneling into an aviary for several large tropical birds. A screen over the door kept them inside. There was bird crap everywhere, all over the floors, walls, and shelves. The stench was unbearable. I went home and scrubbed myself raw."


A blue and yellow macaw is perched on a wooden stick against a plain background
Gk Hart / Getty Images

13."I decided to join an old college buddy for game night at his new place. I arrived to discover game night involved live-action role-playing with actual swords – not the foam ones I imagined, but authentic, sharpened steel. His living room was transformed into an indoor arena, with furniture pushed to the walls. People wore full armor and clashed swords with an intensity that left dents on the hardwood floor and sent chips of paint flying from the walls. It was like living in a medieval war zone. My friend, completely engrossed, handed me a helmet and a blade and expected me to join the fray. I politely declined due to my concern for my physical well-being and lack of combat training. Instead, I spent the evening dodging wayward sword thrusts and airborne goblets. I left with a vow to myself: If the next invite didn't include board games or controllers, I'd be staying home. I never went back."


14."I went to a party in college and noticed that the guys who lived there squished when they walked. They said there was an inch of standing water in the kitchen, which had been there for two months. They didn't want to tell the landlord about it because they figured it was their fault. They were just going to live with it until their lease was up."


A faded area on a beige carpet near a window, with light-colored curtains partially covering the window
Image Source / Getty Images/Image Source

15."She kept chickens INSIDE her home."


16."The host cut her finger, dripped blood in our bowl of popcorn, used her bleeding hand to pick out the visibly bloody pieces of popcorn, and then gave me the bowl to eat from."


A pink bowl filled with freshly popped popcorn
Moutasem Qawassmeh / Getty Images/500px

17."I was invited to a friend's house for dinner once. Everything seemed normal at first, but as the night went on, things got...weird. First, their cat kept trying to eat my food off my plate. Then, their mom started talking about conspiracy theories involving aliens and government mind control. And to top it all off, their dad kept making really inappropriate jokes that made everyone uncomfortable. By the end of the night, I was ready to make a run for it. I politely excused myself and vowed never to return."


18."He expected me to help him do dishes, though I didn't eat or drink anything. I loved the guy, but that was the only time I went to his house."


Sink filled with unwashed dishes, various bowls, and utensils
Image By Adam Young / Getty Images

19.And: "I went to a coworker's place to watch the season finale of a show we both really liked and bonded over at work. His entire apartment was filled with aquariums of fish, spiders, lizards, snakes, etc. It was super elaborate, like something from a zoo's reptile exhibit. I was honestly impressed. But it was boiling and humid and didn't smell very good. It was like walking into a sauna that smelled like a farm. We watched the show's finale, but the next time we hung out, it was at my place."


Have you ever been at someone's house and thought, "Yikes, I'm never coming back!"? What made you feel that way? Tell us in the comments or share your story anonymously using this form.

Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.