The Universe Delivered 16 Blunt Reminders That Maybe It's Time To Accept Defeat

1.When the correct answer was case sensitive:

Screen displaying quiz feedback, indicating an incorrect answer with the lowercase "h" and the correct answer as uppercase "H"
nlwfty /

2.When the digital assistant tries to text your already-stolen phone:

Screen capture of a text message exchange where one party requests a security code and the other informs their phone was stolen
u/Sacredfice /

3.When the planner is so distressing you can't plan:

Blank weekly planner with days of the week from Monday to Sunday and a section for notes
u/Blackmagic675 /

4.When your credit score drops AFTER paying off debt (this can happen because you no longer have a line of credit proving you can make payments on time):

Screen of mobile app showing credit score history with dates and points increased or decreased
_iron_butterfly_ /

5.And when you use over 40% less electricity only to pay over 50% more:

Bar chart showing a decrease in energy usage from March 2023 to March 2024 with associated costs
u/hardy2see /

6.When the pictures in the hotel room are hung like this:

Five-panel wall art of a forest scene above a bed, split across separate canvases
u/ThginkAccbeR /

7.And when the calculator is designed like this:

On-screen calculator with an equation solved, buttons for various math functions visible

8.When the sink is ever so slightly off-set like this:

Close-up of a white, oval bathroom sink with a chrome faucet, reflecting overhead lighting
u/unicornman5d /

9.When this person's height was listed as four inches shorter than when they were born:

Close-up of a document with personal details, including gender marked as 'F', height '1-04', and eye color 'BRO'
u/Mearsiebelles /

10.When these soda bottles were designed like this:

Bottles of Fanta in various flavors, including blue and tropical, on a store shelf
u/Cheese_is_deadly /

11.When Trivial Pursuit asked what NATO stood for...

A hand holding a trivia card
u/idog73 /

But misinformed way too many people (NATO actually stands for the North ATLANTIC Treaty Organization):

answer shows that NATO stands for North America treaty organization
u/idog73 /

12.When the paper towel dispenser blocks the door:

Public restroom with a sink, a soap dispenser, and a hand dryer on the wall
u/mr_Shepherdsmart /

13.And when the vending machine crushes the candy bar:

three musketeers are crushed
u/VanillaScoops /

14.When the painter doesn't use tape so now the windows are painted shut:

Close-up of window frame showing signs of wear and potential mold growth with blurry garden backdrop
u/chishiki /

15.When the concrete people block you in the apartment without warning:

Freshly poured wet concrete on a residential walkway viewed from an open door
u/Status-Blueberry3690 /

16.And when the city was designed like this:

Aerial view of a dense residential area with a squared off community that is crooked on the map

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