16 Everyday Things That Would've Shocked Us 10 Years Ago
Recently, Reddit user u/Ok-Squash8044 asked, "What was 'unimaginable' 10 years ago, but we’re now totally used to now?" Here are some of the top-voted responses:
1."Leave a pizza order on someone's front porch without even knocking."
2."Fast food being a luxury convenience instead of a cheap alternative for a homemade meal. 10 years ago, I was in college, and McDonald’s or Taco Bell was just one of the cheapest ways I could eat a good amount of food. Now it’s nearly the same price as a sit-down restaurant."
3."How much spying our electronics do on us and we're totally cool with it."
4."Subscriptions for damn near everything!"
5."Grocery pickup in our cars."
6."An $8 12 pack of soda/pop/coke."
7."Computers making art, and people still doing mindless repetitive tasks."
8."Kids having constant access to an AI that will effortlessly do all their homework for them."
9."Diseases that have been dormant for decades coming back."
10."It being 95 degrees in October. Not unimaginable as in 'didn't know it could happen,' but unimaginable as in surely those at the levers of power will be reasonable and take decisive action to prevent it."
11."Going to the store to buy marijuana legally."
12."Working remotely."
13."Same day shipping."
14."Getting in a stranger's personal vehicle to taxi you somewhere."
15."Things being app only. And I hate it! I don't need an app to order from a restaurant menu."
16.And finally, "$40 for two movie tickets."
What other things are commonplace in 2024, but would have shocked you 10 years ago? Let us know in the comments!
Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.