15 Moments That Prove People Should Have To Pass A Parenting Test Before Becoming One
1.This mom who thinks she has the perfect idea for getting two home loans at the same time:
2.This mom who doesn't know how to get to the root of the problem:
3.This mom who is taking her one-year-old in a UTV when it is recommended children be at least 12 years old.
4.This mom who still doesn't understand pregnancy prevention:
5.This mom who truly thinks this is a reasonable inquiry:
6.This mom who shared a photo of her daughter's pee:
7.This mom who doesn't understand being a nanny is someone's JOB:
8.This mom who is having this dilemma:
9.This mom who needs to check if she is in the goat group before giving goat medical advice to kids:
10.This mom who needs to understand that babies are not invincible:
11.This mom who is taking things way too literally:
12.And this mom who, poor thing, may need an explainer on sea legs:
13.This mom who refused the doctor's recommendation for the following reason:
14.This mom who might need to take a nutrition class:
15.And, finally, this mom who her heart set on "SparkleTits" for her daughter's Barbie's name: