15-minute cardio blast workout with India Morse

Not a fan of long, repetitive cardio workouts? Then it's time to improve your fitness via a short, sweaty session instead, and this workout from WH expert trainer India Morse is just what you need. Focussing on compound moves (that's moves which utilise multiple muscle groups at the same time, FYI), India's 15 minute cardio blast works your full body through a mixture of bodyweight and weighted exercises.

All you'll need to complete it is one kettlebell and quarter of an hour. Ready to get stronger and fitter? Let's go.


15 minutes

Equipment needed

1 exercise mat, 1 kettlebell.


Run through this whole warm-up twice.

  • 10 x Inchworm to lunge spinal twist

  • 10 x Lateral squat alternating reach

  • 10 x Squats


Perform the following moves for 35 seconds, followed by 15 seconds of rest before starting the next.

  • Kettlebell swings

Regression: Try slow Romanian deadlifts instead.
Progression: Use a heavier weight.

  • Kettlebell Clean

Regression: Perform just the kettlebell press.
Progression: Use a kettlebell in each hand.

  • Off Release Push Up

Regression: Use your knees.
Progression: Increase the tempo, lowering into the down position for 3 seconds before releasing your hands to increase time under tension.

  • Jackknife

Regression: Bend your legs or single leg movement alternating each side.
Progression: Slow down the movement.

  • Sprawls

Regression: Use alternating single leg movement.
Progression: Increase the tempo (but maintain a good form).

  • Lateral Lunge to Reverse Lunge

Regression: Alternate lateral lunges and reverse lunges each round.
Progression: Use weights.

Perform this whole workout twice, giving yourself a 30 second rest between circuits to make 15 minutes. If you need longer between the circuits, that's absolutely fine – follow your body's cues and give yourself the rest you require.


Hold each stretch for 20 seconds

  • Lying glutes stretch

  • Hip drop stretch

  • Pigeon stretch

  • Child’s pose

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