20 Simple Nutrition Hacks to Get More Vitamin D into Your Diet

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20 Easy Ways to Get More Vitamin D in Your DietHearst Owned

As nutrients go, vitamin D is something of a powerhouse. The sunshine vitamin is essential for optimal health, and in fact, almost every single cell in your body uses it. Since it’s crucial to our everyday functioning, you think getting enough would be a priority. And yet around one quarter of the UK population is deficient, rising to around one third in the winter months. Due to these factors amongst others, a study recommends vitamin D supplementation in order to ensure sufficient vitamin D status.

Interestingly enough, vitamin D isn’t actually a vitamin at all. It’s a steroid hormone produced by your kidneys. ‘Ultraviolet B (UVB) sunlight rays convert cholesterol in the skin into vitamin D,’ explains Nicola Read, clinical fellow for Bupa Health Clinics. ‘The sunlight has to fall directly on to bare skin – through a window is not enough, and if you wear clothes that cover your skin entirely, your skin can’t make it.’

For most of us, spring and summer are the times when we can significantly increase our vitamin D levels by simply being outside more. However, with winter's shorter days, it's easy to miss out. So much so that Public Health England (PHE) is recommending we start taking vitamin D supplements.

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Of course, this isn't the only way we can get our daily quota of vitamin D; increasing foods that contain it can massively help. Because while supplements are helpful, a 'food first' approach is often the way to go. That's why we've collated the best vitamin D foods. Time to sound the death knell on vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D Tablets and Supplements

NHS guidelines for adults recommend a daily (RDA) intake of around 400 to 800 international units (IU), although many experts argue that you should get even more than that. ‘During the winter months, your body often relies on stores from the summer and so you are at greater risk of being deficient,’ Read continues.

Technically, there are a few different types of vitamin D. The most common are D2, which is produced by plants and found in fortified foods, and D3, which is made by your skin and found in animal-sourced foods.

In the business of vitamin D, the best ROI comes from D3. ‘Vitamin D3 is the most bioavailable source of Vitamin D, meaning more of the nutrient can be absorbed and utilised in the body,’ explains nutritionist Jenna Hope.

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What Are the Benefits of Vitamin D?

Vitamin D Strengthens Your Skeleton

Vitamin D regulates the amount of calcium in your body, which – as years of milk advertising has told you – is essential for building and maintaining strong bones and teeth. ‘Without adequate amounts, calcium cannot be absorbed and utilised effectively,’ says Hope.

Vitamin D Fortifies Your Immune System

The sunshine vitamin supercharges your immune system, and according to research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, reduces your likelihood of developing the flu.

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Vitamin D Wards Off Depression

It also plays a key role in mood function, Hope adds. One Norwegian study found that people with depression who received vitamin D supplements noticed their symptoms improve over the course of one year.

Vitamin D Suppresses Your Appetite

Vitamin D may also help you hit your weight loss goals. One study published in the British Journal of Nutrition reported that participants who supplemented their diet with calcium and vitamin D lose more weight than those taking a supplement, thanks to an appetite-suppressing effect.

Vitamin D Shores up Muscle Strength

Vitamin D may help to optimise muscle strength, early research suggests. In a study by the University of Birmingham, scientists found a direct correlation between high lean mass and muscle mass and high levels of vitamin D.

What Causes Vitamin D Deficiency?

‘Living in the UK can be a key determinant of Vitamin D deficiency,’ says Hope. ‘During the winter months it’s recommended that you supplement with 400 IU per day. Sun cream and darker skin tones can also be risk factors of vitamin D deficiency.’

Other risk factors for vitamin D deficiency include living in a polluted city, living further from the equator, being vegetarian, being dairy free, being elderly, suffering from digestive issues, and being overweight. ‘Poor kidney function can also be a risk of low vitamin D as the kidneys may struggle to convert vitamin D into its active form,’ Hope adds.

What Are the Dangers of Vitamin D Deficiency?

Brittle bones is probably the most notorious health risk associated with vitamin D deficiency. This is down to its relationship with calcium. When your body isn't producing enough vitamin D, it attempts to recover calcium in the blood by eking it out of your bones. Nice.

Unfortunately, that’s not the end of it. Low levels of vitamin D has been identified as a risk factor for tooth decay, gum disease, irritable bowel disease, erectile dysfunction, autoimmune diseases, type 2 diabetes, schizophrenia, arthritis, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease and cancer, studies show.

How to know if your levels are lacking? Common signs and include fatigue, depression, gut issues, hair loss, weakness, snoring, sleep apnea, teeth grinding, high blood pressure, muscle weakness, sore joints, chronic pain, getting sick easily (or often), sweaty hands, and wounds that refuse to heal.

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Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms

According to the NHS, those at the most risk of vitamin D deficiency are those who are housebound and aren't often outdoors or people who live in an institution or care home. Similarly, people with darker skin from African, African-Caribbean and south Asian backgrounds sometimes may not get enough vitamin D from sunlight.

The Nebraska Medicine University Health Centre says that symptoms of vitamin D deficiency include:

  • Fatigue

  • Not sleeping well

  • Bone pain or achiness

  • Depression or feelings of sadness

  • Hair loss

  • Muscle weakness

  • Loss of appetite

  • Getting sick more easily

  • Pale skin

Harvard School of Public Health mentions that symptoms of vitamin D deficiency can be worsened for other high risk categories such as:

  • 'People with inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease) or other conditions that disrupt the normal digestion of fat. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that depends on the gut’s ability to absorb dietary fat.'

  • 'People who are obese tend to have lower blood vitamin D levels. Vitamin D accumulates in excess fat tissues but is not easily available for use by the body when needed. Higher doses of vitamin D supplementation may be needed to achieve a desirable blood level. Conversely, blood levels of vitamin D rise when obese people lose weight.'

  • 'People who have undergone gastric bypass surgery, which typically removes the upper part of the small intestine where vitamin D is absorbed.'

What Happens If I Take Too Much Vitamin D?

The NHS recommends 'Do not take more than 100 micrograms (4,000 IU) of vitamin D a day as it could be harmful. This applies to adults, including pregnant and breastfeeding women and the elderly, and children aged 11 to 17 years. Children aged 1 to 10 years should not have more than 50 micrograms (2,000 IU) a day. Infants under 12 months should not have more than 25 micrograms (1,000 IU) a day.'

It warns that failure to do so can result in too much calcium to build up in the body (hypercalcaemia) which can weaken the bones and damage the kidneys and the heart.

20 of the Best Vitamin D Foods

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‘Obtaining the recommendations of 400 IU is challenging through diet alone,’ Hope says. Vitamin D is fat-soluble, so it’s best eaten with a source of healthy fats – most vitamin D-rich foods are often already high in fat, but it’s worth bearing in mind.

When it comes to animal sources, you should also consider buying free range and organic, because, honestly, you probably won’t leech a substantial amount of vitamin D from an animal that has never seen the light of day.

Here are some of the best vitamin D foods:

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Red Meat

  • Pork: At around 40 IU per 100g on average, pork may not be the hardiest animal source of vitamin D, but you can make the most of your plateful by going organic and free range.

  • Beef Liver: Liver is one of the most nutrient-dense animal foods on the planet, but that probably doesn’t make it any more appealing. If you can stomach it, a 100g serving of beef liver contains around 50 IU.

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  • Salmon: Salmon is another bumper source of vitamin D: a 100g serving contains approximately 526 IU. Extra kudos if it’s wild salmon, which naturally yields far more.

  • Tuna: Tuna Levels vary depending on the type of tuna. Bluefin boasts the most, with 193 IU per 85g serve, while the same amount of yellowfin only contains 59 IU. Your average can of tinned tuna delivers around 154 IU making it one of the best vitamin d foods.

  • Mackerel: This fatty fish is the pinnacle of vitamin D-enriched dining, boasting 547 IU per 85g serving.

  • Herring: With 1,628 IU per 100g serving, fresh herring provides your RDA in just a few bites. Sardines, which also belong to the herring family, contain approximately 270 IU per serve.

  • Shrimp: One large shrimp contains 42 IU. And nobody ever just eats one shrimp. Plate up for a serious boost of the sunshine vitamin.

  • Oysters: Nature’s aphrodisiac does it again. Munch your way through five raw oysters to boost your vit D stores by 269 IU.

  • Cod Liver Oil: If seafood isn’t your thing, cod liver oil is your next best bet. Just one 5ml capsule contains 400 IU of vitamin D, making it a worthwhile winter supplement.

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Egg Yolks

  • Your average commercially-raised supermarket value egg contains around 30 IU of vitamin D, but those from hens raised outside or fed vitamin D-enriched feed contain far higher levels making them another one of the best vitamin d foods.


  • Portobello mushrooms: The mushrooms are one of the best vitamin d foods, with 400 IU per 85g serving. You can give your fungi food shop a boost by leaving your mushrooms in the sun for around an hour between the hours of 10am and 3pm, or look out for vitamin-enriched varieties in supermarkets.

  • Shiitake Mushrooms: With 18 IU per 100g serving, they may contain a little less vitamin D compared to other varieties but are still worth including in your diet.


  • Ricotta: While most cheeses contain small amounts of vitamin D, ricotta is one of the best vitamin D foods – containing more than five times the amount of vitamin D than other varieties.

  • Cheddar Cheese: Cheddar contains 24 IU per 100g, making it a moderately high source of Vitamin D, not that we needed another reason to add a larger helping on our pasta!


  • Dairy Milk: With a whopping 124.4 IU per cup, whole milk is one of the best vitamin d foods in comparison to semi-skimmed and skimmed.

  • Soy, Almond and Coconut Milk: Non-dairy milks like soya and almond milk are usually fortified with vitamin D – your average 100ml serving clocks up around 30 IU.

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Fortified Tofu

  • Useful for plant based eaters, fortified tofu contains 100 IU of vitamin DA per 100g serving, making it a good source of vitamin d which you can add in your stir frys.

Fortified Yoghurts

  • A lot of yoghurts are fortified with vitamin D. Fortified yogurt contains roughly 45 IU of vitamin D per 100g serving making it a quick on the go source of vitamin D.

Orange Juice

  • Certain brands of this breakfast staple are available in fortified form, though you’ll need to check the back of the carton to find out just how much. Your typical 250ml glass of OJ usually contains around 140 IU.


  • Your morning bowl may also potentially be one of the best vitamin D foods to top up with, providing you pick a fortified cereal. Plenty of supermarket names have stepped up to the mark, including Quaker's Oats, Kellogg's Special K and Multi Grain Cheerios.

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