15 Disrespectful Things People Do All The Time That Need To Be Stopped

One thing you can always count on in life: there’s always going to be an asshole around — especially in public.

Person walking on a path by a lake with snowy mountains in the background
Person walking on a path by a lake with snowy mountains in the background
Grass field with scattered blue confetti, possible remnants of a recent outdoor event, with trees and buildings in the background
Grass field with scattered blue confetti, possible remnants of a recent outdoor event, with trees and buildings in the background

u/PaleBlueDotEnthused / Via reddit.com

It's time to bring back some shame. Here are 15 rude things people do all the time that could definitely use a little more calling out.

Let's begin:

1."Tailgaters. I will absolutely brake-check you if I'm going the speed limit or over, and you insist on riding my bumper. Also, I can't even count the times a tailgater roared past me (many times when it was not legal to pass), only to pull up next to them at the next traffic light."

Rear view of a car with humorous message written on the window: "Hey I never met you. And this is crazy. But you’re riding my ass so 3 car lengths maybe?"

2."When did it become OK to play music loudly on a speaker while on a hike? I don't want to listen to your stupid music while I'm outside enjoying nature."


3."Phone calls on speaker while in public."

Person with long hair on a bus, holding phone up, possibly on a video call. Seats and bus interiors are visible

4."I hate the new trend of bringing your dog into a grocery store. People say it's their support dog but don't have any vest or other proof. The dogs are not trained or behaved in a food store. It's unsanitary and gross. Illegal if the police or stores would enforce it."

A wet spill on a grocery store aisle floor near snack shelves. White shoes visible at the bottom of the image

5."I'm experiencing more and more parents who let their kids have the sound on tablets, etc, in restaurants. It's so selfish. It shouldn't be that hard to speak to your child to entertain them or take them to McDonalds instead. I'm surprised owners/managers allow it."


6."One thing I cannot stand is when people purposely leave their table a complete mess at a restaurant. Especially when they have kids, and they are just like, 'Oh well! 🤷🏻‍♀️.' Yes, I get that there are staff who get paid to clean it up (albeit significantly underpaid), but it isn't our job as restaurantgoers to make someone else's job more difficult. Also, what are you teaching your kids by leaving something a mess? It's just so inconsiderate."

Restaurant booth with plates, napkins, and food remnants scattered on the table and floor, accompanied by a messy high chair

7."Fireworks. Omg, it drives me insane. I have a neighbor who thinks he's responsible for a display for every occasion. He doesn't care about time, either. He's done it at 3 a.m. before. I know people shouldn't have to cater to my PTSD around the sound, but it does make it hard to plan when you never know what the occasion is that will make him start shooting them off. We also have a large 55+ community nearby with lots of vets living there. I've seen one poor soul who can't even tolerate a chair scraping on the pavement. They plan for obvious holidays, but it's hard when the guy shoots fireworks for National Pizza Day."


8."Phones in the cinema have gotten so bad lately. Like, come on, we've all paid over £17 to be here. Put your bloody phone away. It makes me get very shoe-throwy."

A person watches a movie in a theater, with a bright screen lighting their face while actor on screen wears a blazer over a white shirt

9."Asshole drivers who CONSTANTLY whine about cyclists on the road, but then those same asshole drivers CONSTANTLY park in bicycle lanes, block crosswalks, block ramps for wheelchairs, block sidewalks, etc."

Car parked in a bike lane on a busy street, next to a shopping area and sculptures

10.Conversely, "Cyclists who do not signal turns, stop at stop signs or red lights, do not wear reflective clothing at night, and are perfectly happy to ride in the road when a paved bike path is two yards away. I hate them with the fire of a thousand suns. They ride like they are the only ones on the road and then whine if there is an accident."


11."Carts not being returned is one of my biggest pet peeves. When I was a teenager, I was a bagger at a grocery store and would have to bring in carts periodically. It was always frustrating when you'd have to track them down in parking spots, in the grass, or flipped over in random spots. The extra 20 seconds it takes to walk it to the return spot makes the worker's life so much easier. Plus, it keeps from leaving parking spots blocked by your cart."

Shopping cart wedged against a parked car in a parking lot

12."People who don't MOVE AWAY FROM the subway train DOORS... Three could enter side-by-side, but you and your backpack are standing in front of an OPEN door, and we have to 'salmon' it into the car."


13."People who live in apartments and decide to start playing an instrument in the middle of the night. It's currently 11 p.m. here, and my neighbor is playing the piano. Silence starts at 10 p.m., and we are not even allowed to shower after that, and yet this one asshat is playing the piano. I need sleep ;_;."

Note asking to lower music volume, mentions hearing it for a month, and requests not playing Rosalía's "La Fama" while sleeping

14."People who don't clean up after themselves in your home, or at least offer to! I have a friend who comes over frequently, and he has never cleared a dish, put a dirty glass in the sink, thrown a scrap of trash away, or even put the toilet seat down. I can understand, maybe in your own home, but at someone else's expecting them to be your cleaning crew, it's just rude."

Living room with a large sectional sofa, scattered clothes, a piano, a flat-screen TV, and a cluttered coffee table

15.And finally, "People with purposefully super loud vehicles gunning it in residential neighborhoods (especially early in the morning or late at night). I can't count how many times I've been woken up because some ass-hat in a giant truck or a '90s Honda was revving their engine at the four-way stop near my house. Makes me want to find out where they live and bang on a pot outside their bedroom window at 4 a.m. 😣."

Hand holding sign reading, "YOUR CAR is SO LOUD WAKES UP THE NEIGHBORS," inside a car with hands on the wheel

Honestly, maybe I live a life with a little bit too much consideration (like, my anxiety is always on 100, ready to go to battle, when I'm just, like, at the grocery store), but I truly don't understand someone who'd walk away from their dog's piss inside a store??? Or leave a nasty toilet unflushed in the bathroom??? Or, even worse, do their business in a dressing room (like FR — how does everyone I know who's worked retail have one of these stories, myself included?!)... I'll never understand.

Title of a Reddit post reads, "The fitting room is not a bathroom!" The post is on r/TalesFromRetail by user cat-donuts
u/cat-donuts / Via reddit.com

So, if you need a place to vent, drop your stories about the inconsiderate things people do that make you a little "shoe-throwy," as #8 put it, down in the comments or at this anonymous form. A little shame against bad behavior can go a long way, and I think this world could use a little more of it right now.

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.