13 ways to reduce air pollution in your home

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We're all aware of the effects of pollution, both on the environment and on our health. But while this may cross your mind as you're stuck in traffic, you most probably imagine your home to be a safe haven from air pollution.

Unfortunately, this is not the case. In fact, a study by the Clean Air Day Campaign found that indoor air pollution can potentially be much worse than outdoors. However, there are ways that you can prevent this — here's what you need to know.

What is indoor air pollution?

According to the British Lung Foundation, indoor air pollution is 'dust, dirt or gases in the air inside a building that harms us if we breathe it in'.

"In general, exposure to indoor air pollutants can lead to an increased likelihood of ischaemic heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia, stroke and lung cancer," says Patrick Harland, Air Quality Analyst for Ricardo. "Certain people may be disproportionately impacted by indoor asthma triggers, secondhand smoke, mould, radon and other indoor pollutants."

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What causes indoor air pollution?

There are a variety of things that can reduce the air quality in your home, including:

  • Gas cookers

  • Damp and mould

  • Cleaning products

  • Cigarette smoke

  • Carbon monoxide leaks

How can I make my air cleaner?

It’s near-impossible to fully prevent air pollution in your home due to the appliances we rely on daily, like cookers and cleaning products. Location also plays a major role in how polluted your air is, as pollution from outside can work its way into your home.

However, there are steps you can take to make the air in your home much safer and cleaner:

1. Service gas appliances

All gas appliances in your home need to be safety-checked by a gas engineer once a year. This will ensure they are functioning correctly and safely. If you’re cooking for a long period with a gas cooker, make sure to air the room well by opening windows.

Carbon monoxide is a major air pollutant that can be deadly. Having your gas appliances serviced once a year should allow an engineer to spot any potential gas leak hazards. However, if you think your home has a carbon monoxide leak, open all the windows, extinguish any flames and call the Gas Emergency Helpline on 0800 111 999.

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2. Don't smoke indoors

Cigarette smoke is another common air pollutant. The first step you can take to make the air in your home cleaner is stopping smoking indoors — according to the NHS, second-hand smoke contains more than 4,00 toxic chemicals that drift easily through your home.

If anyone in your home does smoke, insist their coat is kept in a specific cupboard away from non-smokers clothes. If your home does smell of cigarette smoke, open windows to get air flowing through.

3. Open windows regularly

Keeping windows open while cleaning can also help minimise pollution caused by chemicals in cleaning products. Always ventilate your home well after a big cleaning blitz and consider eco-alternatives, such as bicarbonate of soda, lemon juice and vinegar, that'll get the job done and are better for the environment and your health.

4. Banish damp and mould

Obviously, prevention is better than cure when it comes to damp and mould. Regularly check your home for leaking pipes and always check your roof and window frames after a downpour. Condensation can also cause mould to grow indoors, so make sure your home is well-insulated and ventilate rooms like the kitchen and bathroom regularly.

If you already have mould in your home, remove small amounts by using a specialist product such as the JML Doktor Power Magic Eraser or HG Mould Spray. However, larger or persistent areas of damp and mould should be looked at by a professional.

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5. Redecorate with VOC paint

Thinking of giving your walls a fresh coat of paint? Freshly painted walls releases small amounts of gases for months after you've put down the brush — even though they appear to be fully dried and the smell has gone. These fumes are volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and can contain highly toxic chemicals, such as formaldehyde and acetaldehyde.

Use "low-VOC" paints, polishes and other chemicals, always open windows and turn on exhaust fans to remove gases when you paint. Do not store open paint containers inside.

6. Cut back on carpeting

There's nothing chicer than a Persian rug, however, carpet traps chemicals, dust mites, pet fur, dirt and bacteria, and vacuuming it can make them airborne.

If you do have carpets, use a HEPA (high efficiency particle air) vacuum cleaner, we rate the Numatic James, to ensure better air quality. Every once in a while, your carpet's could also use a deep-clean.

7. Banish dust mites

Dust allergies are actually allergies to dust mites — microscopic pests that live off the moisture and human skin found in your bedding, pillows, mattresses, stuffed toys, upholstery and carpets.

To kill dust mites in your home, vacuum and steam clean upholstered furniture regularly and keep humidity levels below 50% with a dehumidifier. Use dust-mite resistant covers (we rate the Tempur Fit Mattress Cover), vacuum your mattress, don't make your bed first thing and always wash bedding in very hot water.

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8. Don't idle your car or lawnmower

If left running in small spaces, like garages or driveways, cars and lawnmowers can cause indoor air pollution. To that point, you should also only use gas and wood stoves and other heaters that vent directly outside. Never use charcoal grills indoors.

9. Be wary of your barbecue

As the weather warms up, it's worth bearing in mind that barbecues and firepits can contribute to indoor air pollution. Make sure that you move these further into the garden and if possible, close the windows and doors of your home while you use them.

10. Keep pets out of your bedroom

Sensitive to pet allergens? Keep furry friends away from your bedroom. Clean floors and upholstered furniture often (two or more times a week) to reduce exposure. Washing you pets or using indoor air cleaning devices will not help all that much.

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11. Beware of your dry cleaning

While freshly dry-cleaned clothes smell great, dry cleaning solvents can be toxic to breathe. Let dry-cleaned items air outdoors before bringing them inside to minimise chemicals entering your home.

12. Buy an air-purifying plant

Houseplants can do more than just add a pretty touch to your home. According to a NASA study, there are a number of air-purifying plants that can detoxify your home. English Ivy, Spider Plants, Snake Plants and Chrysanthemums as good options for filtering out toxins.

Another option is to invest in an air-purifier. These claim to reduce a variety of air pollutants in the home, from smoke to microplastics.

Jessica Le Dinh, a senior design engineer at Dyson, said: “You can’t see air pollutants with the naked eye but they can cause respiratory problems or exacerbate issues like hayfever. Obviously, we can't stop breathing, so a purifier can help by capturing pollution and project clean air back out across the room.”

The GHI put a range of air purifying models to the test and were impressed with the results. The Dyson Purifier Hot and Cool Formaldehyde Purifier Fan Heater was our recommendation.

13. Avoid pesticides

Pesticides can bring harmful chemicals into your home, trigger allergic reactions and worsen asthma.

If common critters infest your house plants, pinch them off straight away to prevent an infestation. For serious infestations, fill a spray bottle (mister) with warm water and a small amount of liquid soap and spray the plant liberally, before wiping off with a damp cloth.

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