122 Spicy Truth Or Dare Questions To Get Down And Dirty

Truth or Dare never goes out of style. No matter how old you get, there's never a bad time to pry some deep secrets out of your besties...or challenge them to do embarrassing things when they clam up.

Actor in historical attire confidently says, "I dare you."

However, this version of Truth or Dare isn't for everybody, because these questions and dares are ~spicy~. This list may just lead to the most exciting game of Truth or Dare you've ever played — but it's definitely for the 18 and over crowd.

And what exactly does spicy mean? It means they cover personal topics ranging from sex to relationships to morality, so get ready to hear some scandalous answers!

This first section has all of the truth questions; if you're looking for dares, you can find them further down. Have fun!

Text in image reads: "Truths start here!" against a solid background

1.When you're attracted to someone, what body part do you notice first?

2.Do you ever spend time naked at home?

3.Have many times have you been in love?

Donald Duck, dressed as a sailor, leans against a brick wall with heart eyes and a red heart above his head, indicating he's in love

4.Have you ever bought an adult toy?

5.Have you ever taken a sexy photo?

6.Have you ever sexted?

7.Have you ever accidentally sexted the wrong person?

8.Where is the most unconventional place you've had sex?

9.Do you believe you've met your soulmate?

10.Do you believe in second chances after bad first impressions?

11.Is ghosting ever acceptable?

Person dressed as a ghost, covered with a sheet with black eye holes, sitting on a sofa using a laptop in a brightly lit room
Cavan Images / Getty Images

12.Would you ever date your friend's ex?

13.Have you ever had sex somewhere that wasn't entirely private?

14.Have you ever cheated (even just once)?

15.Have you ever had an affair?

16.Do you keep pictures of your ex after a breakup?

17.How much money are you willing to spend on a first date?

18.What is the highest number of people you'd date at one time?

19.Would you ever go to a sex party?

20.How long do you prefer sex to last?

A hand holding a stopwatch displaying just under 15 seconds
Flashpop / Getty Images

21.If you could only have sex in one position for the rest of your life, what would it be?

22.Would you be happy with below average sex if your relationship was otherwise perfect?

23.What is your most secret sexual fantasy?

24.Would you ever give a partner feedback about their sexual performance?

25.Have you ever had a sexy phone call?

26.Sex on the first date, yay or nay?

27.Have you ever filmed a sexy video with a partner?

28.Light on or off?

29.What do you think is the sexiest part of your body?

Six individuals raise their legs out of the water while wearing high heels in different colors, showcasing a playful and fashionable scene
Karan Kapoor / Getty Images

30.How would you improve your sex life?

31.Would you ever discuss your sex life with your friends?

32.What are your rules for a long distance relationship?

33.Would you be okay with your partner discussing your sex life with their friends?

34.What would you do if your friends didn't like your partner?

35.Would you move to a new city or country to be with your partner?

36.Do you think it's possible to be friends with an ex?

37.What’s the weirdest sex dream you ever had?

38.If you could erase an ex from your memory, would you?

Picture of Joey Tribbiani from "Friends" gazing through a rain-covered window

39.How often do you look up your exes on social media?

40.Would you feel comfortable if your current partner and your ex became good friends?

41.Would you marry someone with opposing political views to you?

42.Would you marry someone from a different religion?

43.How do you feel about prenups?

44.Is it ever okay to lie?

45.Have you ever watched porn with your partner?

46.What is the most backhanded compliment you've ever received?

47.Do you want to know the passcode to your partner's phone?

A woman and a man sit on a couch arguing while holding smartphones. There is a blurred background of shelves and a cabinet with decor items
Djelics / Getty Images

48.What's the biggest mistake you've ever made?

49.Are you a fan of romantic gestures?

50.What is the most embarrassing thing you do when you're home alone?

51.Morning sex, yay or nay?

52.What's the worst advice you've ever given?

53.What is something you've spent an embarrassing amount of money on?

54.Have you ever splurged on something and then regretted it?

55.Have you ever drunk-dialed someone you shouldn't have?

56.Would you marry someone with a low credit score?

A stack of credit cards and some banking documents are laid out.
Adam Gault / Getty Images

57.What's the biggest lie you've ever told?

58.What's the story behind your worst hangover?

59.What's the story behind your worst hookup?

60.What's the biggest fight you've had with a friend or partner?

61.What's one thing you hate people knowing about you?

62.What's the biggest misconception about you?

63.Why did your last relationship end?

64.If you had to marry someone in the group, who would it be and why?

65.What would you ask a psychic if you could?

Dakota Johnson stands outdoors saying, "I can see the future." Scene features lush greenery in the background

66.What's a movie or TV show that isn't supposed to be sexy but you found yourself turned on by?

67.What's one movie you're embarrassed to admit you enjoy?

68.What's your most controversial political opinion?

69.What music artist do you secretly think is overrated?

70.Would you like to be a member of the mile-high club?

71.Would you ever consider going on a dating reality show?

72.Have you ever done a strip tease for a partner?

73.How often do you wash your sheets?

74.What is your grossest habit?

Close-up of a cow's nose and mouth with its tongue sticking out
Paula Sierra / Getty Images

75.What's one thing you only do when you're alone?

76.Do you have any fake social media accounts?

77.What's something you're glad your family doesn't know about you?

78.Have you ever had a run in with the law?

79.What's your biggest turn on?

80.What is something you would do if you knew there were no consequences?

81.What's one thing you've never done but always wanted to try in a relationship?

82.What's the boldest thing you've ever done to get someone's attention?

83.Do you prefer monogamous dating or seeing multiple people?

April, Derek, and Ben stand in a hallway. April says to Leslie: "This is my boyfriend, Derek," then points and adds, "And this is Derek's boyfriend, Ben."

84.Have you ever flirted with someone to get something you wanted?

85.What's one thing you're curious about trying ~in the bedroom~?

86.Is there a movie or TV scene that perfectly describes your ideal romantic moment?

87.What piece of clothing makes you feel most attractive?

88.Have you ever had a sex dream about anyone in this group?

89.Have you ever had a crush on a co-worker?

90.What's the funniest thing that's ever happened to you during sex?

91.Has anyone ever walked in on you having sex?

Don't feel like answering questions? Great! Take your chances with any of these dares. Just don't say we didn't warn you...

Dares start here!

92.Give someone in the group constructive criticism about their outfit.

93.Tell each person in the group what reality show they should be on.

94.Strike a sexy post in front of the group.

95.Name two people in the group who you'd have a threesome with.

96.Put red lipstick on and kiss someone on the cheek.

97.Flirt with one of your fellow players.

98.Call a pizza place and place an order while pretending to cry.

99.Put on your sexiest outfit.

100.Text your mom something about your sex life.

101.Pick someone in the group and give an earnest, emotional toast.

102.Say a secret about someone in the room, but do not reveal their name.

103.Show the most embarrassing photo on your phone.

104.Let the group look in your Instagram DMs.

105.Yell out the first word that comes to your mind.

106.Post the oldest selfie in your camera roll to your Instagram Stories.

107.Reply to the first five Instagram Stories on your timeline.

108.Send a flirty text to someone in your contacts.

109.Hold eye contact with someone in the group for two minutes.

110.Share a screenshot of your browser history.

111.Let someone draw a tattoo on you with marker and don't wash it off for a few days.

112.Perform a song while maintaining eye contact with someone in the group.

113.Let someone in the group pick your outfit the next time you go out.

114.Only speak in the third person for the rest of the game.

115.Do an impression of another player.

116.Read an NSFW scene from an erotic novel out loud.

117.Reenact a scene from a movie by yourself.

118.Agree on a budget and let the person next to you order something random on your Amazon account.

119.Hold three ice cubes in your mouth and keep playing the game that way until they melt.

120.Exchange an item of clothing with someone in the group.

121.Sit on someone's lap for the next five questions.

122.Take turns winking at every person in the room.