115 captions for perfect graduation Instagrams

best graduation captions for instagram
115 captions for perfect graduation ’gramsGetty Images

Class of 2024, could I have your attention, please? Through it all ("it" being a global pandemic, worldwide turmoil, a likely very overwhelming workload, and a somewhat uncertain future looming ahead), you're here. Your graduation day has finally arrived.

It's easy to get lost in all of the fuss that you'll come to experience during the end of your student tenure. But as the university term comes to a close, let's practice remaining in the present, and take a moment to actually celebrate. Cue up the Elle Woods montage of your school years because you did the damn thing! All of your hard work, deadline anxiety, and discussion board rambling are finally paying off. Soon enough you'll receive the official degree that only cost you about 17 all-nighters and a concerning amount of coffee (and, er, fees)!

This calls for a humble — scratch that — shameless brag. The people deserve a space to celebrate you, and one of those spaces should be an IG comment section. So let's get ready to plot your obligatory graduation IG post.

Once you put on the outfit you def had planned since mid-sophomore year, we’ve got the captions to accompany your grid pic. Your degree-owning brain has been through enough already. Please peruse, use, and drink all the bubbly as you post and scroll.

best graduation captions for instagram
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When you’re just oozing with pride…

  • I’d like to thank caffeine for allowing me to get to this point.

  • First off I’d like to thank the Academy….

  • Last but not least, I express my gratitude to Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V.

  • Guess I was able to make a few of those 11:59 deadlines.

  • I personally would like to thank *me* for getting to this point.

  • I only love my ma and my (diplo)ma, I'm sorry.

  • Shoutout to all of those YouTube tutorials. Couldn’t have done it without you.

  • It took a village*. (*The staff at my local coffee shop.)

  • Can I publicly pat my own back real quick?

  • Not much blood. Not much sweat. But there were definitely tears!

  • Did you hear the one about the graduate who relied purely on Quizlet and hope for four years?

  • Up next? Corner office.

  • This is me loudly and proudly flexing.

When you realise you’re technically an actual adult now…

  • Ughhhhh, do I have to?

  • This is the beginning of the rest of my life. So that’s fun!

  • Woof, welcome to the real world.

  • Raise your hands if you’re graduating and you still don’t know what to do...

  • Where’s my parade?

  • Peace out, I guess?

  • I can nap now, yes?

  • Graduated and still clueless.

  • Graduated! Now what…?

  • What’s an appropriate amount of time to put off joining the “real world” post grad?

  • Spiritually I still feel 15 btw.

  • They really let me graduate. Imagine that

  • I’m just a girl.

  • What’s next, ringing the doctor myself?

  • I blinked and now I’m expected to find employment.

When there's £££ on your mind 💸…

  • Congratulate me via Monzo if you’re real.

  • TBH, today is the one day I’m not thinking about student loans.

  • Leave me a-loan, thanks.

  • Graduation, aka the day your parents start collecting interest.

  • I’m so glad I could spend all those years and money on THIS piece of paper.

  • QQ! What is a job? Can I have one?

  • So, like, anyone hiring…?

  • Hiring managers: note that I'm extremely qualified to work from home (I own many tracksuits.)

  • Excuse me while I grab my “hire me” sign.

  • Now can someone pls explain taxes to me?

  • Accepting job offers starting...now. Inquire within my DMs.

  • Tomorrow we budget for the real world. Today we throw caps.

  • Y’all get to see these pics before LinkedIn, you’re welcome.

  • The most expensive piece of paper ever.

When you’re feeling nothing but earnest-as-hell gratitude…

  • Bye forever!!!

  • All this hassle for a tassel, amirite?

  • I’m so happy, I’ll be calling it a “glad-uation” (sorry not sorry).

  • It’s about time!

  • Huh. Might be too late to drop out...

  • I’m still waiting for everyone to start singing like in High School Musical.

  • Class is dismissed…forever!

  • Wait, I passed?

  • Too cool for school.

  • I might just be a bit proud of myself.

  • I did that.

  • Beat the odds. The odds being a normal sleep schedule.

  • I’m just out here reaching for the stars.

  • Over and out!

  • We did it, Joe.

When you're ready to sing your own praises

  • "Who needs a degree when you're Schoolin' Life?" — Beyoncé

  • "As we go on, we remember/All the times we had together." — Vitamin C

  • "It's about damn time." — Lizzo

  • "Knock me down nine times but I get up 10" — Cardi B

  • "I'll drink to that!" — Rihanna

  • "I used to pray for times like this." — Meek Mill

  • "Thank U, Next." — Ariana Grande

  • “So, make the friendship bracelets, take the moment and taste it.” — Taylor Swift

  • "Level Up" — Ciara

  • "My granny told me you goin' to school/Getting that degree and making it cool" — Megan Thee Stallion

  • "I might be too strung out on compliments/Overdosed on confidence." — Drake

  • "I know the world and I know who I am/It's 'bout time I show it" — Beyoncé

  • "I'm happier than ever." — Billie Eilish

  • "I took it and I ran for it/I won it then I stand on it/Money on the floor when we dance on it." — Doja Cat

  • "I'm levitating." — Dua Lipa

  • “There’s nothing holding me back.” — Shawn Mendes

  • “I’m that girl.” — Beyoncé

  • “Call me: Miss Movin’ On” — Fifth Harmony

  • “Ain't about how fast I get there/Ain't about what's waiting on the other side/It's the climb.” — Miley Cyrus

When you’ve got to make the “hottest graduate” list…

  • Making a cap and gown look this chic ain’t easy.

  • The adult world is about to get a whole lot hotter!

  • What, like it's hard?

  • You’ve seen me in a cap, now you should see me in a crown.

  • Robe up!

  • Is this what being an adult looks like?

  • More than a pretty face. (A pretty face with a degree!)

  • Get ready, world, you just got one degree hotter. ;)

  • Gotta add “college graduate” to my dating profile.

  • I know how to work a shapeless gown.

  • Runway and job market ready.

  • I’m serving looks and degrees, baby.

  • GRWM for my bright future!

  • Who am I wearing? An outfit that costs me thousands of dollars and sleepless nights.

  • I am, indeed, the moment.

  • Humility is not my thing today.

  • Took a picture to make this last longer.

  • Beauty and brains might just mix.

  • I finally retired my library look! (Trackies paired with a bit of despair.)

When you’re honestly just glad to be done…

  • What is studying anymore?

  • Mischief managed.

  • Consider me class of 202-(done)

  • I hope you caught that because I won’t be doing it again anytime soon.

  • Caffeine and my TikTok FYP got me here.

  • "Hate to see her go, but I love to watch her leave" — my Quizlet account.

  • “Well, that was easy!” — no one ever

  • I did that! Me! Hi! Hello!

  • Watch out world...I'm grown nowww.

  • You can graduate with honours. I’m just honoured to graduate.

  • Don’t cry for me, campus quad.

  • 'First Day Out' track dropping soon.

  • Anyways…

  • Officially announcing my conscious uncoupling with school.

  • A time was definitely had.

  • School had me in the first half, I’m not gonna lie.

  • I’ve collected many stories for the grandkids along the way.

  • Done…but also just getting started.

  • I sure hope [school’s dining hall name] is on UberEats.

  • “Consider it handled.” — Olivia Pope

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