Think you may have IBS? These are the 11 symptoms you should know about

symptoms of ibs
11 symptoms of IBS you should know about Westend61 - Getty Images
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Dealing with IBS, or think you might be? You're certainly not alone. As it stands, IBS affects around 12 million people in the UK. To add, in the past month, Google searches for 'What is irritable bowel syndrome?' have increased by over 300%. Here, Dr Hazel Wallace, AKA The Food Medic, talks you through what might be triggering yours – and how to deal.

Being bloated is never fun – especially if it comes along with gripe-y pains and general gut unease. But irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is super common. Eleven per cent of the global population deal with the condition, while here in the UK it’s thought that one in 10 people do. Yet, despite how ubiquitous it is, there is no easy diagnostic test to confirm the problem.

Often, women power on, not really knowing why or where the pain has come from and if they do seek help, they leave the appointment with no real answers.

Keep reading for a no-nonsense guide to IBS symptoms, treatment for IBS and the common causes.

What is IBS?

IBS is a functional disorder affecting the gut. This means that although there is no abnormality in structure, there is a problem with a function of the gut.

It’s diagnosed by the recurring IBS symptoms: intermittent tummy pain accompanied by diarrhoea, constipation, or alternating episodes of both.

How do you know if you have IBS?

As mentioned, IBS is diagnosed by symptoms, not tests. The NHS says the main IBS symptoms are:

  1. stomach pain or cramps – usually worse after eating and better after doing a poo

  2. bloating – your tummy may feel uncomfortably full and swollen

  3. diarrhoea – you may have watery poo and sometimes need to poo suddenly

  4. constipation – you may strain when pooing and feel like you cannot empty your bowels fully

If you have one of these, then it’s important to see your GP. They'll rule out coeliac disease and inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

The NHS also says that the following are less common symptoms of IBS:

  1. farting (flatulence)

  2. passing mucus from your bottom

  3. tiredness and a lack of energy

  4. feeling sick (nausea)

  5. backache

  6. problems peeing – like needing to pee often, sudden urges to pee, and feeling like you cannot fully empty your bladder

  7. not always being able to control when you poo (incontinence)

Who is most likely to get IBS?

Women are more likely to have IBS, at around 20% of the population, according to research by BUPA, as opposed to the 10% that are thought to have it, overall. And, although onset starts from any age most people recognise the signs between 20 and 30 years old.

That said, the symptoms of IBS are nonspecific and tend to vary from woman to woman, causing many cases to go undiagnosed.

What does an IBS attack feel like?

Although IBS is not a life-threatening illness, it can negatively impact your daily lifestyle and moods. Often, symptoms can catch you unaware and will differ from friends with the condition. You might suffer from occasional IBS flare-ups, or your everyday life might be planned around managing more severe symptoms. Sadly, living with IBS is a different experience for everyone so you'll need to find what works for you.

What is the test for IBS?

As mentioned, IBS is diagnosed by symptoms not tests. However, if you start to suffer from abdominal pain, a change in bowel habits, blood in the stool or abnormal bloating, then it’s important to see your GP. They'll rule out coeliac disease and inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

What should I do at my GP appointment for IBS?

During your appointment, it's important that you are open and honest about your symptoms of IBS. Now is not the time to feel awkward – they’ve talked about constipation, gas and bloating before and will do again.

You'll need to talk through what you're experiencing because unless your GP feels there is cause for concern you won’t be booked in for an ultrasound scan, a stool test or colonoscopy.

Which foods trigger IBS attacks?

Your doctor or medical team won’t always be able to pinpoint the root cause of IBS. Plus, regardless of having a diagnosis, the majority of women will at some point suffer from tummy troubles.

The most common IBS causes are food, medication, travel and stress.

Most IBS sufferers will agree that what they eat affects their IBS symptoms. So follow their lead and keep a food diary to record the onset of symptoms, duration and intensity level. Soon you should be able to see a pattern in trigger foods.

You can also try avoiding

  • alcohol

  • fizzy drinks

  • caffeine

  • spicy food, fatty and fried food

In some cases, a dairy-free diet has been known to help too.

Everyone who suffers should try to eat regularly and avoid large gaps in between meals, along with drinking fluids each day.

Being on top of your diet is really is where you can play a key role in your own diagnosis and IBS management.

Why might avoiding these foods and drinks help my IBS?

Sugar, alcohol and sweeteners

Sugar alcohols, such as xylitol and erythritol, are used as a substitute for sugar in low-calorie and diet foods. But warning, they are really hard to digest and can trigger IBS symptoms.

Fizzy Drinks

The reason soda, or soft drinks, are bubbly is because of a compound called carbonic acid. It’s a very weak acid and isn’t harmful, but it can lead to a buildup of air in the stomach which leads to bloating, burping and wind. If you already have underlying digestive problems, like IBS, soft drinks can aggravate and worsen symptoms.

White bread

White bread, white pasta, white rice, and baked goods are made from flour that has had the outer bran and germ layers removed during processing – bad news. Most of the fibre, vitamins, and minerals are stored in these layers turning the product into a starchy carbohydrate that's lower in nutrients and fibre. This results in it taking longer to pass through your gut, which can cause constipation.


If you find that your morning coffee is shortly followed by a timely bowel movement, you’re not alone. Caffeine is a bowel stimulant that causes food to move through the gut at a fast rate, which means less water is absorbed leading to looser stools. Too much caffeine can lead to diarrhoea and cramping.

Yes, stress can affect your IBS

Stress is a common trigger of IBS symptoms. This is because our brain and our digestive system are very intimately linked through a network of nerves which line our gut. These nerves control digestion but are influenced by centres higher up in our brain. So, if we are feeling anxious or stressed, this often manifests in uncomfortable gut symptoms like cramping, pain, bloating and constipation or diarrhoea.

Even if you don’t have IBS, I’m sure you can relate to this the night before a big event, like an interview or an exam, when you’re running back and forth to the loo with an upset tummy.

What are the key IBS treatments?

There is no cure for IBS but changing your diet and lifestyle for the long term is effective in managing symptoms.

In some cases, medication such as antispasmodic (which relax the gut) or laxatives are used to manage this condition.

Physiological treatments such as mindfulness and meditation have also been proven to be effective.

What is the low FODMAP diet?

If cutting out trigger foods identified via your food diary doesn’t calm your stomach chaos, then the next line of management is the low FODMAP diet. This is a highly restrictive diet that should only be carried out under the supervision of a trained medical specialist. You can ask your GP to refer you to a dietitian, or, if you're in a position to do so, you could pay to see one in private practice.

Without digging too deep into the science, FODMAPs are different types of carbohydrates that cannot be easily broken down or absorbed by the digestive system.

Normally, the bacteria in your gut ferment these sugars and use them as an energy source. In people with digestive problems, the process of fermentation can lead to symptoms of bloating, discomfort and wind.

A low FODMAP diet recognises this and restricts certain food groups. Therefore it is designed only to be used in the short term, like I said, under the guidance of a registered dietician or nutritionist.

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