So, There Are 11 Reasons Why Your Bum Is Seriously Itchy
Let's not be coy here: Everyone has a bum hole —and sometimes, they get itchy.
But before digging into why, let's clarify one thing: I'm talking about your itchy anus in particular—not your entire bum. (It's kind of an important distinction, says Dr Samantha Nazareth, a gastroenterologist who practices in New York City.)
The irritation—technically known as pruritus ani, can occur inside the anus or the perianal area, which is essentially the skin surrounding the anal opening.
If you are experiencing anal itching, it's pertinent that you don't scratch yourself silly. While there's nothing wrong with scratching an acute itch, such as a bug bite, constant or 'chronic' scratching can feed into what pros call the 'itch-scratch' cycle.
This causes more skin inflammation and thus worse itch, says Dr Brian Kim, co-director of the Centre for the Study of Itch at Washington University School of Medicine. If you *must* scratch, be as gentle as possible and try to keep it to a minimum, says Dr. Kim.
Scroll on to get to the bottom of your, err, bottom issues—and to find relief from anal itching both in the short term and long term.
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1. You're wiping all wrong
Dr. Nazareth always asks her patients about their bathroom hygiene habits. Are you an aggressive wiper? Do you not feel clean unless you use wet wipes?
'Too many of us are wiping ourselves to death with toilet paper and then using wet wipes afterward,' says Dr. Nazareth. Those practices are bound to cause irritation or even anal fissures (tiny cuts or tears). Your skin is super sensitive down there.
On the flip side, you might not be wiping enough—leftover poop in the anal area, along with extra moisture, is also recipe for irritation, says Dr. Nazareth.
The happy medium?
'Ideally, if you’re at home, the best way is going into the tub or using a shower head to clean the area with the force of the water. No soap needed. Then pat dry the area. It's the best way short of using a bidet,' says Dr. Nazareth.
If you're out and about at a friend's house, say, and not in a stall, when nature calls, she recommends using a little warm water on toilet paper and going for the pat-dry afterward.
2. You're fixated on having 'good' hygiene
We all can be a little Monica Geller-y at times. But obsessively cleaning your nether regions until they practically sparkle is not a good idea. In fact, it's a fairly common culprit of an itchy bum, according to Dr. Kim.
Using things like topical alcohol swabs, wet wipes, scented soaps, and even a natural skin cleanser like witch hazel to keep the perianal area clean or to treat the already-present itchiness can cause irritation and even an allergic contact dermatitis, which is a developed hypersensitivity to an allergen, Dr. Kim explains.
'This can further aggravate the itch because now you have two problems,' Dr. Kim says. Uh oh.
Don't be overly concerned with perfect hygiene—meaning skip the wet wipes, which contain chemicals that can cause allergic reactions, and using harsh or scented soaps, Dr. Kim says.
And when it comes to shower time, Dr. Kim recommends simply using gentle soaps like unscented Dove soap or a Vanicream cleansing bar.
3. You have haemorrhoids
Haemorrhoids are inflamed, swollen veins around your anus or in your lower rectum, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). Typically, external haemorrhoids—ones that form under the skin and around the anus—are the cause for itching.
Constipation (a.k.a. difficulty passing bowel movements) is often the cause of haemorrhoids—you know, from the pushing and extra time spent on the toilet. 'I often suggest the Squatty Potty to my haemorrhoids patients,' says Dr. Nazareth, which can help the passage of bowel movements.
Another smart tip to avoid flare-ups? Getting enough fibre in your diet to make things flow a little more...smoothly.
4. You might have pinworms
Okay, this is pretty unlikely, but it's still possible. Pinworms are small parasites that can live in your colon and rectum, per the NLM. They're spread by the fecal-oral route (yes, that's exactly what it sounds like) either directly or indirectly (through contaminated clothing, bedding, food, etc.).
This infection is most common in children, and many people who are infected don't have symptoms at all. If you have symptoms, they're most commonly intense anal (or vaginal) itching that can interfere with daily life.
But here's the catch: 'You won't be able to diagnose this at home,' says Dr. Nazareth. 'You must get checked by a doctor via a stool sample.'
As for treatment, mild infections can go away on their own, but medication is sometimes needed, per the NLM.
5. You have a yeast infection
Yep, these can happen anywhere—not just in your vagina. When a fungus called candida (the scientific name for yeast, which naturally occurs inside your body) grows at a quicker rate than usual (usually caused by antibiotics or a weakened immune system), it can cause an infection of the area, according to the CDC.
Sitting in sweaty workout clothes (guilty) can create a yeast-friendly environment too, says Dr. Nazareth.
Your best defence is to get out of those sweat-soaked clothes and shower post-workout. Already have a yeast infection that brought on anal itching?
Dr. Nazareth suggests opting for an anti-fungal ointment or wearing loose clothing at home. 'Ideally, don't wear underwear at all and choose some loose-fitting pants to let things air out in their 'natural' state,' she says.
6. You might have scabies
This is another rare one, but you might as well know what scabies are, right? They're a parasite—like pinworms—that burrow into the outer layer of your skin and lay eggs there, says Dr. Nazareth. But scabies will itch everywhere, *not* just your bum (whew).
The symptoms (crazy itchiness and sores) can take as long as four to eight weeks to show up. And while scabies can be treated with medication for your skin, your home will need to be treated as well.
7. You might have a skin condition
Have you recently started using a new bath product? An allergic irritation to a fragrance or other product could be the culprit, says Dr. Nazareth.
You can also get other itchy skin disorders, like psoriasis (a buildup of skin cells that causes red, itchy patches) or eczema (itchy, inflamed scales on the skin) between the cheeks, too.
If you suspect you have either of these conditions, it's best to see your dermatologist to find the best treatment for you (oral medications, steroid creams, or light therapy) and your sensitive skin in that area.
8. You might (but likely don't) have anal cancer
Okay, so anal itching does not automatically mean you have anal cancer. But, rarely, anal itching can be a symptom of cancer—especially if it's accompanied by bleeding, says Dr. Nazareth.
In the case of anal bleeding, you should see your doctor. While it's likely something benign, like haemorrhoids, Dr. Nazareth says it's still wise to get the all-clear from your doc.
9. You're eating the wrong foods
What goes in...must come out. So, it shouldn't be too shocking to learn that your diet might be to blame for your bum's itchiness.
The typical culinary culprits are acidic and irritating foods like coffee, citrus, spicy foods, and alcohol—essentially the same list of foods that might cause acid reflux.
Unfortunately, it's not really clear how or why eating these acidic and irritating foods causes anal itching. 'But we know that acidic substances can be damaging to the skin barrier, which triggers itch,' Dr. Kim explains.
'Essentially, when you scratch or irritate the barrier, it can falsely set off an 'alarm,' which causes unnecessary inflammation.'
A simple solution? Switch up your diet and—hopefully!— watch the itch disappear. (And if the itchiness prevails, consulting a doc is always a safe bet.)
10. You might have an STD
It might mean you have a sexually transmitted disease such as herpes or anal warts caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). Given that the symptoms are on your bum, they were likely contracted through anal sex.
In the case of HPV, the warts—which have a cauliflower-like appearance and are darker than normal skin tone—are to blame for the itch, Dr. Kim says.
'They stick out and get irritated in the close space. The inflammation then causes the itch.'
Feel something bumpy down there? Then you should definitely visit your doc—for a few reasons. First, your doc will help with treatment likely by prescribing meds to apply to the warts several times a week until complete, according to the NLM.
Second, HPV isn't something you want to ignore. While most high-risk HPV infections go away within one to two years and do not cause cancer, per the NLM, some can be long term and, if not treated correctly, may cause cancer.
11. You might have nerve damage
Many experts also speculate that anal itching might be neurological, especially in the case of patients with back issues.
'If you have a history of lower back injury or pain along with numbness or weakness due to injuries in the lower back, it's possible that other nerves, such as those that supply sensation to the anus, are also damaged,' Dr. Kim explains.
Treatment for nerve damage varies and can range from physical therapy to surgery. Be sure to discuss your medical history—including any previous back injuries—with your doctor to figure out what's going on.
Now that you know why you might have a itchy bum, read up on diverticulitis, the digestive condition you probably don't know about.
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