
  • EntertainmentYahoo Life UK

    Oxfam opens 'superstore' with vintage and designer items on sale

    It's not just clothes up for grabs.

  • StyleYahoo Life UK

    Second Hand September: What is it and how to get involved

    Can you give up buying new clothes for 30 days?

  • NewsAOL

    World's richest 62 people as wealthy as poorest 50%

    The gap between the poor and the extremely rich is widening, and it's a troubling trend, according to a new report. The annual Oxfam International report says the world's 62 richest people have the same amount of wealth as the bottom

    1-min read
  • NewsAOL

    Oxfam discounts to compete with Primark

    Oxfam is struggling to compete with bargain clothes shops like Primark, cut price fashion from the supermarkets, and discounted garments from the likes of Aldi and Lidl. In an effort to keep customers, it's opening a number of discount

    3-min read
  • NewsAOL

    Oxfam warns over future fuel crisis

    The turmoil in Ukraine should be a wake-up call for Europe's looming fuel and food crisis, campaigners have warned. Ahead of the G7 summit, organised by leaders after they decided to boycott a planned G8 summit in Russia this week, Oxfam

  • NewsAOL

    Wealthy grabbing power, says Oxfam

    Global inequality has increased to the extent that the £1 trillion combined wealth of the 85 richest people is equal to that of the poorest 3.5 billion - half of the world's population - according to a new report from development charity

  • NewsAOL

    Oxfam issues supply chain plea

    A British company is among the biggest names in the food and drink industry not doing enough to stop poor people from being forced from their land to make way for crops, according to Oxfam. The charity is calling on Associated British Foods (ABF)

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