- LifestyleYahoo Life UK
Four key skills a child should be able to do before starting school
A new report by early years charity Kindred² found a difference of opinion between parents and teachers about how ready children are for school.
7-min read - LifestyleYahoo Life UK
Joe Wicks defends taking daughter, 5, out of school: Why is learning at home on the rise?
Recent stats reveal 40% more children have been learning at home since 2018, but the decision is a divisive one.
5-min read - LifestyleYahoo Life UK
How much do SATs exams really matter?
An expert explains what SATs are used for exactly – and how to reassure your children about the tests.
4-min read - LifestyleYahoo Life UK
What is TikTok’s #CandleStudy trend and why are education experts warning against it?
While the trend encourages students to study for longer, sometimes 'it's possible to have too much of a good thing'. Here's why.
3-min read - HealthYahoo Life UK
Eating disorder manifesto and toolkit for schools launched to tackle surge in cases
This follows a four-fold increase in young people being hospitalised with eating disorders and triple still waiting for treatment.
4-min read - HealthYahoo Life UK
School lessons on vaginal and vulval health for 11-18-year-olds will tackle stigma
New lesson plans for UK secondary schools will show a diverse and realistic portrayal of pubic hair, vulvas and vaginal discharge to help boost awareness of intimate health.
6-min read - LifestyleYahoo Life UK
'Anxiety' chosen by children as word of the year 2021
Children's Word of the Year for 2021 was 'Anxiety', while teachers most used word was 'Resilience'.
3-min read