
  • LifestyleYahoo Life UK

    Why so many of us struggle to keep our New Year's resolutions

    80% of us give up on our New Year's Resolutions by the second week of February

  • HealthYahoo Life UK

    Revealed: This year's most popular resolutions

    38% of us are vowing to hit up the gym

  • NewsYBN Style

    Feeling blue? How to survive this seemingly everlasting winter

    Although Blue Monday is long gone, a lot of us are still feeling a bit blue this winter. To cheer right back up again, why not forget that restrictive โ€˜new year new you dietโ€™ and that โ€˜quitting social media for good!โ€™ resolution. Instead, use these science-backed life hacks to favour cookie cramming, bubbly gluggingย and early morning workout avoiding forย lazy lie-ins andย Snapchat. Moderation is key, but it beats the alternative, right?

  • LifestyleAOL

    Your new year's resolution: properties with a gym

    It's 2017, and time to start putting all those new year's resolutions into action. This is the year you're really going to get fit. But with frosty weather outside and darkness falling mid-afternoon, neither running nor the local

    4-min read
  • LifestyleAOL

    Eight New Year's resolutions that will make you richer

    If your finances have got into a bit of a tangle, why not make 2017 the year to sort them out? To give you a helping hand, here are eight financial New Year's resolutions that will change your life for the better. 1. Get out of debt

    5-min read
  • NewsYahoo Canada Style

    No excuses New Year: 5 workouts you can do without leaving home

    The holidays have come and gone โ€“ and one of your New Yearโ€™s resolutions may have been to spend less time in front of the TV, making more time for your fitness and health. While the festive season is wrapping up, the cold weather is still very much alive. Yes, thatโ€™s right: YouTube can be used for more than watching squirrels surf or cats knock objects off counters.

  • LifestyleAOL

    New Year's Resolutions you can actually keep

    Each year we make hugely over-optimistic New Year's Resolutions: we decide to completely give up luxuries like coffee and takeaways; save money by cycling to work in all weathers; and pledge to never again buy anything we don't

    3-min read