High Blood Pressure

  • HealthAOL

    Reduce your risk of developing heart failure by doing this

    If you were told cutting only five things from your diet would help you live a healthier life, would you do it? If you're willing to sacrifice just a little, this may be the lifestyle diet change for you. The dash diet is being touted for

  • HealthAOL

    Four health problems you don't know you have until too late

    Modern medicine can cure a lot of ills, but some diseases are hard to identify until it's too late. Here are four health issues that we can suffer from, without being aware that there's a problem. See also: Five cancers you're

    3-min read
  • NewsAOL

    Ten surprising things that could be raising your blood pressure

    Nearly one-in-four adults in the UK has high blood pressure, which significantly increases the risk of strokes and heart disease. Being overweight and not doing enough exercise can increase your risk of hypertension - and salt, alcohol and

    5-min read
  • HealthAOL

    Brisk walk 'the key to beating high blood pressure'

    Pic: Getty A brief, brisk walk could be the key to beating high blood pressure, scientists have revealed, as research has shown even short periods of moderate activity can significantly improve the health of the elderly. The US study, led by Dr

    1-min read
  • HealthAOL

    Veggie diet a boon for high blood pressure

    Pic: Getty Switching to a vegetarian diet could help those with high blood pressure to keep levels low, researchers have suggested, with a diet full of fruit and veg leading to a drop in blood pressure similar to that caused by losing nearly a

    2-min read
  • HealthAOL

    Lentil-rich diet 'could beat high blood pressure'

    Pic: Getty Scientists believe they may have found the answer to high blood pressure, and the key could come in the form of a humble legume. In a Canadian study, researchers discovered that a diet rich in lentils could dramatically lower dangerous

    1-min read
  • HealthAOL

    Five lifestyle changes 'could beat high blood pressure'

    Making just five simple changes to your lifestyle could protect you from high blood pressure, world health experts have claimed. Pic: Getty The World Health Organisation yesterday suggested that by keeping active, cutting your daily

    2-min read