Hangover Cure

  • NewsYahoo Life UK

    This South Korean drink is supposedly the next miracle hangover cure

    Could hangovers become a thing of the past?

  • NewsYahoo Life

    9 Beauty Hacks to Hide Your Horrible Hangover

    Let’s face it. You probably lost count of how many times you sipped on your friend’s “extra special” mixed New Year’s Eve punch. We’ve all been there. But just because you indulged a little more than intended the night before, that doesn’t mean you have to look like it. To keep you from appearing like a hot hung-over mess, we’ve rounded up nine beauty hacks that’ll help you put your best face forward the morning after.

  • NewsMarie-Claire Dorking

    BREAKING: There Is Now An Ice Cream Bar That Cures Hangovers

    The grapefruit-flavoured wonder bars, aptly named Gyeondyo-bar, which translates loosely as “hang in there”, contain oriental raisin tree fruit extract, which is a hangover remedy that has been used in China for 500 years. A 2012 article in the Journal of Neuroscience found oriental raisin tree extract reduced symptoms of intoxication in rats. Apparently South Koreans are Asia’s biggest per capita alcohol consumers, which means there’s a huge market for hangover cures.

  • NewsAlison Coldridge

    This Fruity New Hangover Cure Will Stop You Chundering Everywhere (Hopefully)

    You never need feel this rough after a night out again if this new hangover cure is to be believed. Australian scientists have found that eating pears – or drinking pear juice – can dramatically reduce hangover symptoms such as memory loss and trouble concentrating. “Reductions were seen in blood acetaldehyde levels, the toxic metabolic thought to be responsible for the hangover symptoms, with pear juice consumption,” says Manny Noakes, research director at CSIRO. “Overall hangover severity,