- HealthYahoo Life UK
Five food habits that can keep your family at a healthy weight
From sneaking veggies into unsuspecting meals, to making healthier swaps, these are the nutritionist tips that can help your whole family.
5-min read - NewsYahoo Life UK
We signed a relationship contract 8 years ago covering money, sex and housework
Rosie Morrell, 41, and Marcus White, 51, have used the contract since they got together, eight years ago, and have regular meetings to amend it.
5-min read - LifestyleYahoo Life UK
Why do I have to justify my decision not to have children?
Jane Hawkes loves her child-free lifestyle but often ends up having to explain her decision to others.
8-min read - LifestyleYahoo Life UK
Topics to avoid talking about at the Christmas table this year
Some controversial topics might lead to bust-ups over the turkey.
5-min read - CelebrityYahoo Life UK
One of Britain’s oldest married couples, wed 81 years, says secret is to 'never argue'
Dorothy and Tim Walter have been together since they were teenagers and met during the Second World War.
4-min read