
  • BusinessAOL

    Remortgaging makes debt problems even worse

    Properties have become piggy banks, as we increasingly dip into the equity in our homes. A new study has revealed that a third of homeowners who have remortgaged in the past five years have done so to free up cash - borrowing an average of

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  • NewsAOL

    Council tax debt crisis: 6 million in ยฃ300 debt to councils

    A new study of debt has revealed that millions of people have failed to pay their essential bills. Council tax debts are the most alarming, with over 6 million people owing more than ยฃ300. Some 17% of people owe more than ยฃ100 to gas and

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  • BusinessAOL

    A third of us have carried expensive credit card debt for ten years

    Should we be celebrating or bemoaning the 50th anniversary of the credit card? On the one hand, it has transformed an archaic system, and brought incredible freedom and flexibility to our spending. However, on the other hand, it has plunged

    4-min read
  • LifestyleAOL

    New Year's Resolutions you can actually keep

    Each year we make hugely over-optimistic New Year's Resolutions: we decide to completely give up luxuries like coffee and takeaways; save money by cycling to work in all weathers; and pledge to never again buy anything we don't

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  • BusinessAOL

    Peaches Geldof had debts of ยฃ450,000 when she died

    Peaches Geldof's children and husband will inherit just half of her ยฃ884,274 fortune, because at the time of her death last April, the model and presenter had ยฃ450,000 of debts.Peaches didn't leave a will when she died at the age of 25,

    2-min read
  • LifestyleAOL

    All the best resolutions start in February: 15 realistic ways to save in 2015

    The vast majority of January resolutions have come and gone by now. Those short-lived, unrealistic, overambitious targets, that are designed to make us feel even worse about the coldest and most cash-strapped time of the year. This is no

    10-min read
  • BusinessAOL

    Moving in together: how can you manage your money better together?

    When a couple makes the decision to move in together, finances are highly unlikely to be anywhere near the top of the list of concerns - and are usually lurking somewhere down below who gets the lion's share of the wardrobe space. However,