
  • LifestyleAOL

    Stunning find in London archeological dig

    A unique Roman stylus is to go on display for the first time in a new exhibition at the Ashmolean: Last Supper in Pompeii. It was discovered by a team from the Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA) during excavations on the bank of the river

    1-min read
  • ScienceAOL

    'Ancient comics' uncovered by archeologists

    Archeologists in Jordan have discovered a treasure trove of ancient "comics" painted on the walls of a tomb dating back approximately 2,000 years. Showing humans and gods engaged in various scenes, some of the images are accompanied by

  • ScienceAOL

    Mystery surrounds 3,500-year-old bronze hand discovered in Switzerland

    Archaeologists have revealed the discovery of the earliest metal representation of a human body part found in Europe. The 3,500-year-old object is a hand, slightly smaller than life-sized, made of more than a pound of bronze. It has a cuff of

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  • NewsYahoo Life

    'Resting bitch face' could date back 9,000 years

    The reconstructed face of a teenage girl from 9,000 years ago suggests that 'resting bitch face,' an unintentional mean mug, is absolutely nothing new.