
Why parents shouldn't have to apologise for their babies' noise on flights

Baby crying
[Photo: Pexels]

Back in July, the parents of a newborn were spotted sharing goody bags out on a flight. Containing earplugs and chocolates, it also contained an accompanying note with an explanation of why the little ones might cry on the flight and what was – essentially – an apology for the noise.

A photo of the package was soon shared online, and became a bit of an internet sensation as everyone praised the consideration of the parents. And this wasn’t the first time for this to happen – over the years, it’s become a bit of a viral trend to hand out these packages.

Another popped up on Reddit just a few days ago.

Baby on plane
[Photo: Reddit/Fe_Mike]

It’s done, of course, with the best intentions – and perhaps made their fellow passengers feel way better about their scream-filled journey. But should parents really feel they have to apologise for their baby making noise on a flight?

Let’s get one thing straight – nobody on this earth loves the sound of a baby crying. Every fibre of your being tenses up, your calm mood rockets from calm to stressed, and sometimes you just want to flat out cry yourself.

But we were all babies once, and if we want to keep this funny little thing called the human race going, crying babies are going to be an inevitable part of life.

[Photo: Pexels]

It’s one thing feeling a parent should take a wailing toddler out of a Michelin star restaurant or the cinema (which is up for debate anyway), but too often people – especially without children themselves – forget that parents need ways of getting from A to B just like the rest of us.

Mums and dads getting glares on the train or at the supermarket are all too used to it, and well aware of the falsetto tones emitting from their child – but these, like planes, are spaces which children have to occupy, and the attitude that parents are being selfish for taking their kids out of the house isn’t a good one.

Baby and adult
[Photo: Pexels]

Parents mustn’t feel obliged to shower everyone within hearing range of their baby’s crying with Ferrero Rocher and apologies. There’s already quite enough to consider while taking a child aboard a plane, from nappies, to buggies to food.

And, let’s face it – if you’re bothered by someone else’s shrieking little one on a flight, at least you get to go back to a scream-free home at the end of the day.

So while it’s a kind gesture to give out treats to those around your baby on a flight, let’s have a little sympathy for flying parents, regardless of whether they give us in-flight packages or not.

Do you think ‘goody bags’ are a step too far for travelling parents? Tweet us at @YahooStyleUK.

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